Chapter 3 Meeting him

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     Mo Jing look at Jiang Quin when she was talking to her sister Jiang Fei actually he never want to come here but when he heard that Jiang Quin is coming his mother and him immediately rushed here. His  mother was very found of her.she will always talk about Jiang Quin at home .He know that her mother will also set bind date or something else so that he will be with Jiang Quin .

        But what will happen when she find out that he had already fall in love with her at the time he meet with her at America.
       Then suddenly he heard her mother say to said hi to Mo Jing.Mo Jing suddenly became nervous never in his entire life he have never felt nervous even dealing in business that worth billions of dollars.

   Mo Jing thought how did a man greet a lady.Never in his entire life he never greet any girl except his mother or aunty.
     He should have prepared for this.Yahe should have prepared but when he heard that she is coming back he rush here.

           Mo Jing straightened his body but he heard a voice that he love the most "hi Mo Jing ,I am Jiang Quin nice to meet you,it seams like you have never greeted any girl in your life,so are you not going to greet me too."

     Jiang Quin tease Mo Jing .Mo Jing is very cute when he is nervous.When she see him all the memories of the previous life flow out .She is holding back her emotions but when she see that he was shy and nervous to greet all her emotions have vanished.He look so cute when he is shy she wondered with this shyness how did he became the richest man and most powerful man.

    Mo Jing  heart flutter when he heard that .He straightened his body and said  "hi nice to meet you too.Yes this is my first time to greet a girl sorry if I made mistakes"

     Jiang Quin replied"oh then I feel so special". Oh my god Jiang Quin are you flirting with him.ya I am flirting with him, can't she do that for god sake he is my future husband.

       Jiang Fei could not hold any more at this sight, they treated her like an outsider and her step sister is flirting with Mo Jing.But never greeted her even when he meet her.She could not hold back her anger but replace with a smile and said"Jiang Quin why don't you go to your room and freshened up you must be tried as you have just come from America now.Aunty Li please guide my sister to her room"

      Jiang Quin smile and said"Ya I am very tired too as I have to search for taxi as no driver come to picked me up.Thank you Older sister for your concerned.AuntyLi please guide me to my room" Aunty Li quickly giude Quin to her room.Quin look around this is her room when she was young but it have changed a lot.It has become more luxurious.Aunty Li said
"Young Miss your room has been personally designed by Mo Jing's Mother Song Mei .She came here personally to design this."

   So in the past also when she came home her room has been the most luxurious and nicest one so it has been designed by her not her so called family.

    Father Jiang and Mother Jiang could not look up.Jiang Fei never thought that she will bring herself into trouble.They
Have said to Mo Jing and Song Mei that she have directly went to meet her friends and she also said that she will not come home today and will be staying at her friend's house.

      At that time Mo Jing understand that they don't want him to meet with her.He became angry.He had been eager to meet her but they don't even sent a car he must have gone personally to piched her up.She must be very tired while taking the taxi and moreover She had come here after 14 years and Beijing is like a foreign land to her even it is her birth place.He also know how it felt like as he had been at America for 19 years and came back after finishing his study.

   Song Mei was very angry ,she wanted to shout at them but she retrained herself from doing that she slowly said" Old Jiang if you don't have driver to pick up Jiang Quin you must tell to me next time ".  They don't care about her future daughter in law .How can they treat her like that.

    Old Jiang replied "It not like what you think,we send her driver but it seems that the driver had not find her.I will fired him for telling lies.How dare he do like that,he even lied to me that Jiang Quin has gone to her friend's house to stay there for tonight."    Father Jiang act furiously.

     Jiang Quin look at her father who is acting very well,he deserves an Oscar.
  Jiang Quin quickly got down and said"Aunty Li I am hungry so let's have our meal". Jiang Quin faced towards Song Mei and said"Aunty Mo let's have meal for today here.Mo Jing I hope you to join the meal too."

   Mo Jing thought how can he declined to what she said , so Mo Jing said"sure"


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