chapter 9

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   Jiang Quin reach the civil bureau .The first thing she saw was a Mo Jing car parking in front of it .

  Mo Jing has been waiting for Jiang quin before the civil bureau has not been opened .He had been waiting for this day.He feel anxious what will happen if she change her mind and do not come .

     Mo Jing think positive okay didn't she tell you just now that she had come out of her house how can you act like a child waiting for candy. He scolded himself.

   When he look up he saw Jiang quin stepping out of her car .She was wearing a royal blue dress which fit her well .It seems like the dress is designed just for her to wear by the designer .

   It shows her curve perfect and her silky hair that flow down like a steady rain .He feel proud that this beautiful woman is going to be his wife from now on .

     He promised himself that he will cherish her well .Her happiness will be his happiness too .He will never make her face cover with tear .he will pampered her to no extend

  They stare at each other . Their outfit matched each other .His white shirt that fit perfectly on him .She can also imagine the tons of muscle underlining beneath it .

      Haa this hot and handsome man is going to be mine forever .

   This life she promised that she will make him smile and she will also take revenge to those who made to lost his smile in the last life .Just wait and watch.

   Jiang quin quick wave her hand and        
gave a smile and called " Mo Jing "

   Mo Jing heart flutter.huh why is my heart fluttering just like a teenage girl meeting his first crush .

      Oh it's a mistake because he is meeting his first and last love not crush .

     If someone came to know that Mo Jing heart flutter when he heard a girl calling him the he is sure that it will become a headline news but he didn't care .

          This fluttering of hearts tells that he too have a heart not like the rumour said that he is heatless but only for her his heart beat.

     Mo Jing too smile back and said " ready to start a new life with me "

     Jiang Quin smile and said " yes ready for it .Are you also ready to start a life with this imperfect and bitchy girl standing in front of you "

   " I will always be ready as ever and Jiang Quin let me remind you again in this world no one is perfer but for me you are perfect in everything and about your saying in bitchy you are non of that"Mo Jing said serious looking at her eyes.

   Yes he is saying it not just from his mind but from his heart .She is the most sweetest girl he had ever meet .

         It is the society that made her to be like this and he love not only her strength but also her mistake and fawl.

    Jiang Quin give him a sweet smile .His word is magical in hearing it .She has been waiting for his comments or view towards her .

   She didn't care about other view towards her weather it is a slut a white or even worse then it but his view matter the most.

   They both enter the civil bureau .When they enter it everything has been prepared before as MO Jing has already informed his assistant before .

   " So since we have already obtained our marriage certificate and we are legally married .Mrs Mo will you take the pleasure to ride in the car along with your husband " Mo Jing said with a smile .

      Jiang Quin blushed when Mo Jing called her Mrs Mo .She like it very much too .It tells that Mo Jing only belong to her .

   " Sure Mr Mo I will take the pleasure as your wife to ride with her husband " Jiang Quin said teasing .

      He like it when she address him as her husband .

   " Sure wifey please get in " Mo Jing said while opening the car door .

  " Thank you husband " Jian Quin said .

         Both the newly wed couple are enjoying in their own embrace but in no time they reach their home .

    The car was drive in through a road and it soon reach their mainson .
Jiang Quin was astonished to find the beautiful mainson standing their tall and with a pride as if it is the most beautiful home .

   Yes of course it is the most beautiful mainson as big as a palace and as beautiful as as castle .In her last life she did not even appreciate this mainson that is their house .

  She said " it's so beautiful and huge too "

    Lots of memories came rushing in her mind .She later find out that this mainson was designed by the world most famous architect and will stand among the most luxurious house in the entire world .

     She later too find out that this house was built by Mo Jing for a girl whom he love the most .She was jealous when she heard it and she even argue with Mo Jing regarding it but she find out that the girl was her and she was just jealous of herself on the edge of dying.

    But in this life she will cherish it .
Mo Jing said with a smile" welcome to our home Jian Quin my dear wife"

      Jiang Quin cannot overhead the emotion that she felt now .She don't even know that tears are falling down .

   When Mo Jing saw this he was shocked and suprise too and anxious at the same time . Did he do anything wrong or don't she like this house.

   "Jiang Quin why are you crying you are scaring me.Did I do anything wrong or don't you like our home"said Mo Jing  worriedly.

   " No I love it.It is just that it is the first time to said that there is a home for me and someone for me after my mother death " she said with a small smile and hugged him tightly as if he is going to leave her or going to disappear.

  Yes in this life she will surely build a family with him which she can't do in her last life.



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