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30 minutes until Y/n's arrival

"Oh my god I can't believe she's coming home today!" Felix squealed while jumping up and down.

"Felix, chill. It's just your sister, not the president or something." Mrs. Lee said as she fixes his collared shirt. "But I've never seen her in 5 years."

"You've literally seen her on Family Day at the boarding school for all 5 years, including holidays." Mr. Lee claimed. Felix pursed his lips knowing that his father is right.

"Honey I know that she's your younger sister and that you love her very much but remember she's coming home from a boarding school for troublemakers and we're not sure-"

"You're not sure if she changed her ways." Felix looked at his parents with disbelief. "You remember all the things she did before she left. Just be glad she's even coming home now then waiting another 5 years." Mrs. Lee said.

Felix shook his head in disbelief. "I'll be upstairs in my room. Call me when she arrives."


About half an hour has passed and Felix could hear a car engine arriving the house from his window. He jumped from his bed assuming that's Y/n.

He rushed downstairs with a excited look on his face. "Is that her?!" Her parents nodded as they stood by the door getting ready to open it.

The sound of a car door opening and closing was heard and Felix couldn't wait any longer so he opened the door to see Y/n standing in front of porch with open arms. "Guess who's back?" she beamed.

Felix let out a chuckle and ran towards Y/n pulling her into a huge bear hug. "Woah careful Lix. I just got back and now you're trying to kill me already." He laughed and let go. He held onto both of her shoulders looking at her to see if she's actually here.

Y/n smiled and pinched his left arm. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You were looking at me as if you were dreaming. I was just helping. So wanna help me with my bags or am I just going to stand here being little ol' me?" She lifted her eyebrows waiting for her brother to pick up all her bags, which he did.

She then took a step ahead as Felix stepped in front of her. "Wait. Mom and dad are in there thinking you didn't change your act and I'm really hoping you did because I don't want to see you leaving again." He was looking really serious.

Y/n dropped her smile and nodded then smiled again. "Don't worry. The school wouldn't just let me out if I was still trouble. Just watch how good I am."

She put on a innocent look on her face which her parents have never seen before. "Hello mother. Hello father. You guys are looking well this fine evening."

"Huh? Are you really my daughter and is your shirt tucked in?" Mrs. Lee looked at her daughter in surprise.

Y/n then looked down at her tucked in shirt. She didn't know it was a formal thing, she just did it because she thought it looked nice but I guess its helping her a lot right now.

"Of course mom." All she did was smile. Mr. Lee then smiled too and brought her in for a hug. "Welcome home Y/n. I'm so glad you're finally here, you're brother wouldn't stop talking so I'm really glad you're here so he has someone to talk too."

"I don't talk that much." Felix groaned. "Yes, yes you do. Now will you please help your sister set her bags in her room then Y/n honey, you can get cleaned up for dinner." Mrs. Lee said as she walks back into the house followed by Mr. Lee.

Y/n stopped in her tracks as she thought back to the past three days that led up to her finally being home.

"Aren't you gonna go in?" Felix asks. "Uh y-yeah I just want to feel that home feeling again. You can go ahead, I'm just gonna stay out here for a moment." She gave him a reassurance look.

"Okay. Hey, again I'm really happy you're back home." Then with that Felix entered the house leaving Y/n outside on the porch looking out at the streets.

She sighs, "Yeah me too."

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now