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Another day, another time at school.

Y/n was by herself just looking through her locker, checking if she got everything she needed for her next class.

"Hey." A soft voice was heard behind the locker door. Just like any cliché teen movie, Y/n closed her locker to find Hyunjin standing on the other side.

"Hey." She sent him a smile back as she leaned on her locker. "What brings you here?"

"I was just heading to class when I saw you here and I wanted to see if you were okay...from yesterday." She looked into his eyes once again. "I'm fine. I'm really fine. Is that all you wanted to say to me?"

He chuckled, "Actually, I really wanted to ask you if you want to hang out afterschool. Just with me this time." Her eyes lit up, "Really? I would like that."

"Great it's a date." He flashed a smile. Y/n couldn't say anything. "I'll see you after school." He then left to go to class.

"Wow that really happened." She collected herself then walked off to find her friends. Little did she know someone walked out from beside the lockers with clenched teeth.

"They can not go out." Is all Jisung said.

"Who can't?" Jisung jumped at the sudden voice and turned around to see who it was.

"Jiwon. You scared the hell out of me. You know how much I hate that." Jisung said grabbing onto his heart as if his heart had jumped out.

"Don't change the subject." She then looked behind him and scoffed to see who he was talking about. "Seriously, Lee Y/n? You should be happy you're done with her, you don't want to end up like Seojun."

"Jiwon!" Jisung snapped his head making her jump. "I may not have been there but I know it wasn't Y/n's fault. You dared him and the rest just fell apart. Every time you bring it up, you always sound so insensitive. I can't handle this right now, I'm gonna go."

Jiwon rolled her eyes. "Whatever."


"Whatever." I playfully said.

"Come on. He asked you to hang out, with just you two. And you still say nothing is going on?" Gia pushed my arm. "I don't know if I feel anything towards him, I mean we just met."

Jiyoon chuckled, "She's right Y/n. I haven't seen this side of you and Jisung started hanging out." She slowed down that last part.

I looked down, thinking about what Jiyoon intends. "Is this about Jisung?"

I sighed, "It's not just about him." Jiyoon knows what she means but Gia didn't have a clue. "You're worried...You're worried that Hyunjin might not like you after finding out about your past."

I slowly nodded. "If Jisung understood, I'm sure Hyunjin will too." Gia said. Gia then looked at Jiyoon and she just shook her head.

"It's different. Jisung understood because we were similar, we were both troubled. Hyunjin- Hyunjin's a nice, good guy who I'm scared might look at me different."

"Well I say leave it up to fate." Jiyoon said. Gia nodded her head, "Yeah."

"I don't think it will be that simple, but I'll try." I pursed my lips. Jiyoon and Gia looked at Y/n with sympathetic eyes and comforted her.

(A/N: Sorry for a short chapter. I didn't know where to go from there)

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now