Twenty five

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"I saw it. I saw the whole night flash through my eyes." Y/n cried out. "Seeing Hyunjin, made me see what happened to Seojun all over again." She cried even more as Jisung held her tighter and Jiyoon held her hands.

"Shh. Don't think about then, think about now. Hyunjin's fine, you're fine, everyone's fine right here." Jisung tried to calm Y/n down.

"Y/n just follow me. Breath in." Jiyoon said as she inhaled. "And breath out". Y/n copied Jiyoon, her state became more calm and she stopped crying.

"Why don't you lie down? Rest your head. We'll be outside waiting." Jisung said as he stood up from the bed. "Wait. Can you stay? I actually don't want to be alone."

He looked at her soft eyes. "Sure." He then sat next to her with his arm around her head, stroking her hair as she settles herself.

"I'll go and check on the others." Jiyoon said. Jisung just nodded as he looks at Y/n. Jiyoon then looked at the two before exiting the room.

When the door was heard opening Felix and Hyunjin immediately stood up. "Jiyoon, is everything alright?" Felix asked.

She nodded. "Yeah she asleep right now, but don't worry Jisung is with her." Hyunjin's shoulders suddenly dropped as he slowly sat back down.

"Uh Felix can I talk to you?" He nodded as they walk towards the kitchen, away from the others.

"About Y/n. Do you think the others should know about the...thing?" She softly asks. Felix sighed. "I think it's best if Y/n should tell them herself."

"But like, you saw how she was when even thinking about it. Do you really think it's best if she's the one to tell them?"

"You're right. We'll just wait and see what Y/n wants." Jiyoon then nodded. "Got it." Before she left Felix called her. "Hey, uh thanks for looking after Y/n when I couldn't be there. Actually, both you and Jisung."

She gave him a small smile. "Yeah, she's like a sister to me. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her." Felix lightly chuckled. "I guess that makes us family then."

"I guess." They then walked back to the others.

After Felix and Jiyoon arrived back to the main room, Felix decided to check on his sister. He stood in front of the room and lightly knocked on the door before entering.

He peaked his head through the door first and was met with the view of Jisung sleeping with Y/n in his arms.

"Is she okay?" Felix jumped at the sound of Hyunjin's voice leading him to bump his head on the door. He groaned as he closed the door again.

"Should I-" Felix slightly panicked and stopped him from reaching for the door. "Felix what's wrong? Why aren't you-" He tried to dodge Felix but still ended up not at the door.

"She's still resting, I suggest you should too. Maybe see if Minho needs help or something." Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows as he notices a slight change in Felix's state.

But he just gave in. "Uh okay. Hey Felix, I still don't understand but I really am sorry." Felix sighed as he put his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder. "I know you are and it will all be explained soon, just try not to worry about it too much. You didn't do anything wrong."

He then walked Hyunjin away from the room.


2 hours later


Y/n slowly opened her eyes as she tiredly rose from the bed. Everything that has happened the past hours quickly came back and she sighed as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

She stayed there for a few moments then looked up when the door to the private bathroom opened.

"You're up. How are you feeling?" Jisung kneeled in front of Y/n checking her state. "I'm alright. I'm just not sure how I'm going to face everyone out there." She sighed.

"I'll be right behind if you need me." Jisung stood then stuck out his hand for Y/n to take. She let out a small smile as she took Jisung's hand to get off the bed.

She let out a breath of air before opening the door.

"Okay how's my angle if I-" Seungmin was in the middle of teaching Felix how to take good pictures. He didn't finish his sentence due to the sound of the waited room opening.

He gave the camera to Seungmin and quickly walked over to his sister. He put his hands on her shoulders then looked right in her eyes. Felix pulled Y/n into a hug as she returns the hug without a thought.

"I need to talk to you." He softly says as he pulls her away from everyone's sight. "So. The whole don't have to tell them if you don't want to."

"No it's okay. I want to tell them." Y/n said.

"Are you sure?" She just nodded.

"Okay." The two then walked back to the group. Everyone were all gathered in the main room, quietly waiting for what everyone expected.

"Some of you guys know what I'm about to say, but this has been part of my past that you guys deserve to know." Y/n looked down as she sat in front of the room with Felix by her side.



Quick note - I notice the way I'm writing my stories is really similar to America TV plots, which I am from and not really like Kdrama, which I hardly watch. I just wanted to point that out.

What I'm saying is, I am working on a new SKZ story which will be released (don't know when), and I'm changing my story template a little. I won't tell you who will it be but the title is called 'Innocent'.

Yeah lol,, that's all.

Stay Hydrated ~ 💧

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