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I guess looking forward to real school wasn't that exciting. They have whatever you see at the boarding school. The different class buildings, canteen, library, and even rooftops you could have access too.

"Before you head off to your first class, there's one more stop left on the tour and it's a very special place." Gia said. She was right.

This building looked nicer than the other buildings. As we entered I saw students exiting and entering with different instruments and music related patches on their backpacks.

"This is here is the music building. Students with a passion for music have lessons here. Whether it's singing, dance, musical instruments, rap, and even producing."

Now this is what I'm talking about.

"From what I saw on your schedule earlier, you're in my first class." Gia smiled even more. Wow she's one happy child.

I chuckled. "Yeah I like to sing here and there, and I produce my own music for fun." I don't want to brag but I'm actually pretty good at both of them.

"That's awesome. I hope to hear some tracks soon."

"I've never actually shown anyone but you seem cool, so maybe one day." I don't know what I was thinking earlier. But being nice and good is not at all bad. I love it. I haven't made one enemy but maybe a potential friend.

"Great. Well I think we should head to class now." I was still learning the building so I just followed Gia to our supposed class.

When we entered we saw some students talking to their friends while the teacher stood by the whiteboard waiting for class time to start.

"Good morning Ms. Sim." Gia greeted the teacher with a small bow.

"Good morning Gia. Oh new face. You must be a new student." Ms. Sim beamed. I nodded in reply. "Hello I'm Lee Y/n."

"Well Y/n. I hope you enjoy this class and the days ahead. For now you may find a seat while we wait for class to start." Ms. Sim pointed towards to the desks in the classroom as she went back to writing music notes on the board.

"So we're free to sit anywhere?" I asked Gia. She just nodded in reply.

I ended up sitting in the middle of the 2nd row. As I sat down Gia widened her eyes as well as everyone else in the classroom.

Before I was able to ask what's wrong I hear a shriek at the door of the classroom.

"Oh my god! Who is this freak sitting in my chair and who does she think she is?" The girl who shrieked said.

She came up to me along with two other girls behind her.

"You. Get up. You don't sit there." She said.

"I thought we were free to sit anywhere?" I teasingly asked. "Y/n maybe you should-" Gia was cut of by the girl.

"Wait. Lee...Y/n." The girl said as she glared at me. I scoffed as I realize who the girl in front of me is.

I didn't make new enemies but I was just encountered by an old enemy.

"Han Jiwon. How has it been?" I sarcastically smiled at her. Jiwon evilly chuckled. "Cut the crap. I see they have finally let you out of juvie, oh wait, or was it jail?"

"First of all, I didn't go to juvie or jail. Second of all, I've changed you know. I'm not the same as before."

"We'll see about that." Was all she said before she tried to push me off the chair. "Jiwon!" Ms. Sim called her. "Why don't you just find another seat?"


"Class has started and you're the only one standing. I would like it if you would find a seat immediately." Ms. Sim gave Jiwon a stern look. Jiwon eventually gave up and before she left to find a seat she whispered to me, "This isn't over."

"How do you guys know each other?" Gia whispered from the table on the right of me. "I'll tell you later. It's a long story." I managed to say before focusing back on Ms. Sim.


After class ended Gia and Y/n was able to leave first before more things were about to unravel between Y/n and Jiwon.

"Hey before the next class, can we stop by my locker? I need to get a few stuff." Gia asks. "Sure. I don't mind."

It took about 5 minutes and at the same time, I was able to see more of the campus. It's really huge, more open space than at that boarding school.

Before Gia was able to ask me about that heated moment with Jiwon earlier, a familiar deep voice was heard.

"Hey Gia." Felix said making her jump in surprise. She immediately turned around and I think I saw her starting to blush. "Uh. H-hey Felix. How- how was your summer?" Ohh I see.

Wait. Is he blushing too? "It- It was great." This just became awkward, I'm now stuck with nervous, red people.

I nudged Gia to get her attention. "Oh Felix. This is Lee Y/n. She's new and she's in the same grade as us."

"I know." I saw a slight change in Gia's face. "Oh."

Felix noticed. "Oh I meant, I know because she's actually my sister." Gia was back to her smiling self. "Yeah twins to be exact." I added. "Woah really? I can see the cute resemblance, I mean the resemblance."

Here's the awkwardness again.

(A/N): I'll be continuing this in the next chapter because I didn't want to make this chapter too long.

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now