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Two weeks later

"Here, take this." Jisung smiled as he put his pudding cup on Y/n's lunch plate. "Again? Why bother taking it when you're just going to give it to me?" She chuckled.

"I owe you, remember. All those times at the boarding school when you gave me your cookie." He said. Y/n jokingly scoffed, "What are we, five?"

He just chuckled along.

"Hey guys." Chan said as he came to sit with the two along with the other guys. "Hey Y/n." With Jisung on Y/n's right side, Hyunjin went to sit on the other side of her.

She smiled at him then suddenly she hears Jisung clear his throat from the other side of her.

"So fall break is coming up." Minho spoke up. "Yeah I say we all go somewhere." Changbin suggested.

"We can't just go somewhere. It's only fall break, you go somewhere during spring break." Hyunjin said. "Jisung, didn't you say your parents owned a cabin by a lake. Why don't we go there for the first weekend?" Chan suggested.

At that Y/n's head shot up with Felix, Jisung, and Jiyoon looking at her with worried eyes. Jisung whispered to her. "Will you be okay going?"

She thought for a moment but she was pressured by all the sudden eyes looking at her. "Ahh y-yeah." She whispered back. "Okay I guess we got somewhere to go for fall break." Jisung hesitantly said.

The rest cheered as Y/n gulped while she avoids looking at everyone's faces.


(At home)

"Y/n we don't have to go if you don't want to." Felix calmly said as they both were sitting on the couch. "No don't let me be the reason you don't go. All your friends are going to be there."

"Who cares? We see them everyday anyways. What's another weekend?" Felix said. "It's really fine. It has been 5 years now, if I can face the nightmares, I should be able to face this too."

"The nightmares? What nightmares?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows.

"Crap" She thought.

"You had nightmares from it?" Y/n hesitantly nodded. "When did it start?" She sighed. "It started the night the incident happened.

"For how long?"

She gulped. "For two weeks."

"For two weeks? Y/n you had these for two weeks? Two weeks after the incident was the day mom and dad sent you to that boarding school." He started to get angry.

"You had these nightmares and instead of coming to me, you decided to ruin your life instead." He continued.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Worry me? Y/n, I'm suppose to be the older brother-"

"By 3 minutes." She shrugged. He sighed. "If something is troubling you, you would come to me."

She didn't say anything.

"Did you still have them when you...left?" He quietly asks. "For a week but hanging out with Jiyoon really helped distract me from it. Then when I met Jisung..." She started to trail off.

"It completely went away." Felix completed her sentence. "Yeah." She quietly said.

"It seems you guys had more than just a past." Felix looked at Y/n with soft eyes. She sat there staring into space thinking about a lot of things.

"Hey I'm gonna go upstairs. If you change your mind about going, let me know." He said then walked away leaving Y/n by herself on the couch.


"Jiwon where are we going?" Y/n asks as she looks out the window of the car.

"Yeah. It's spring break and we're surrounded by trees, why couldn't we just go to the Bahamas or something? Ooh. Or Miami." Seojun excitedly said at the passenger seat.

Y/n just chuckled at him. "It's a surprise, remember?" Jiwon smiled.

10 minutes later

"Is that a cabin?" Seojun asks as Jiwon turned in for parking. "Yeah. It's my parents and they allowed us to stay here for the weekend."

"That's so cool." Y/n excitedly said.

"Yeah and there's a ledge, not far from here, where we can jump off into the lake over there." Jiwon pointed at the open lake by the cabin.

They then got out of the car with all their bags and stuff. "Last one to the cabin has to cook dinner for tonight!" Seojun yelled as he ran towards the cabin with Jiwon tailing him.

Y/n just chuckled and walked because she knew she was going to cook anyways. She wouldn't call herself good but at least she was better than the other two.

"So what to do first?" Y/n asks as she plops herself on the brown, plumped couch.

"Let's play a game for who gets which room." Jiwon suggested. "There's three rooms and who knows maybe two of us might end up in the same room." She tried to signal someone but they didn't get the clue.

They were busy looking at something else or should we say someone.


The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now