Twenty three

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"Day two~ What are we gonna do?~" Chan happily sang as he walked into the lounge area of the cabin. It's now morning and everyone is just waking up.

"We'll get breakfast started." Minho said as he, Felix, and Jeongin stood up and left towards the kitchen. "Is everyone awake?" Chan questioned as he looked around the room.

"Jiyoon should be out soon." Gia said. "Jisung and Y/n is not here yet." Changbin added.

"Wait, I didn't hear Hyunjin's name. Oh my god you're actually awake early?" Seungmin acted surprised as he looked at the said boy. "Hey I woke up on my own because I wanted too." He tilt his head.

Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows at him, giving him a 'really?' look. Hyunjin caved in. "Okay I woke up to the sound of Jeongin screaming. I don't know what for, but he just was."

"Okay we'll go help the three in the kitchen. Hyunjin, can you wake up the others?" Chan asks. Hyunjin stood up. "Yeah sure."

(10 minutes earlier)

"Y/n get up." Jiyoon whined. "5 more minutes." Y/n yawned.

"Everyone is probably outside already. Gia literally woke up 30 minutes ago. I don't know how she can be a early bird, but please get up." She continued to whine as she tried to wake herself up at the same time.

"Just go. I'll be there, in about 5 minutes." Y/n turned away on her bed as she fixes her blanket on her body to put over her head. She hears a sigh as the door open then close.

Just a few seconds later she heard the door open and close again.

"Jiyoon I said 5 minutes, not 5 seconds." Y/n, still with her eyes closed, chuckled out loud.

"You're still in bed?" Y/n jumped at the sound of Jisung's voice. "I thought you were Jiyoon." She awkwardly shifted as she sat up from the bed.

"Sorry to disappoint." He stood there, not knowing what to do. "What are you doing here?" She asks.

"Well I just passed Jiyoon and she said you were still in bed. I thought I could, you know, wake you up." He shrugged.

She snickered. "Good luck with that." Then she went back into her previous position and turned her back towards Jisung.

Jisung walked closer to the bed. "Oh come on. You already know what's coming." He teased. Then he started to tickle her.

Laughter can heard throughout the room.

"Stop. You...know I...hate...being...tickled." She kept laughing in the middle of her sentence. Jisung stopped then playfully laid on top of her.

He laughed then laid on the bed, next to her. "Are you awake?" He asks looking at her. Y/n then laid on her back, copying Jisung. "I am now."

He smiled then moved his head to look ahead towards the end of the bed. "Do you remember how we used to just lay like this, at the boarding school, and just talk?"

"We still have small talks." She said. "Yeah but it's not the same like how we always do it."

"Yeah." She softly said.

Just then the door opens and both Jisung and Y/n looks to see who it was.

"Y/n wakey wa-" Hyunjin happily sang then suddenly stop at the sight of the girl he likes and ironically the guy who was her ex in the same bed.

"Oh uh I'm sorry to interrupt. Let me- let me just." He stuttered as he tried to escape the room as quickly as possible.

Y/n didn't take a second to think, she just got out of bed and chased after the boy. "Wait, Hyunjin."

She was able to catch up to him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you guys." He was worried that he ruined something and had the need to keep apologizing.

She held onto his shoulders and tried to search for his eyes that kept avoiding hers. "It's fine Hyunjin, but you didn't interrupt or barged into anything." She reassured him.

"Are you guys like, back together or something?" He suddenly asks. Y/n slightly widened her eyes. "What? Where'd you get that idea?"

"It's just, I know you guys have a past and he was just in your bed a few moments ago." He awkwardly said. "Well whatever you are thinking. No. We aren't back together. Just friends." She gave him a innocent smile.

He returned a smile. "Well if you are free, would you want to join me for a walk outside later?"

She chuckled, "Sure."


"Sure." He heard her chuckle.

"Just friends?" Jisung whispers to himself.

Without the two knowing, Jisung was able to hear their conversation.

"Have I completely lost her?" He slumped back into the room and sadly stared into mid-air.

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now