Twenty six

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The room was filled with some tears, sniffles, and overall, just silence.

Y/n just finished her story from her past. Felix was sitting right next to her, comforting her as everyone takes in all the new information.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Y/n." Chan said. "Yeah. It must've taken you a lot of courage to come up here, know." Changbin spoke.

Y/n slowly nodded. Words got caught in her throat. "Will you excuse me?" She left towards the same room, closing the door behind her.

She took deep breaths, trying to calm her herself from another panic attack.

Someone then softly knocked on the door resulting Y/n to let out a small "come in".

Hyunjin popped his head into the doorway then fully came into the room. "Hyunjin." She said falling her arms to her side.

He went towards her, pulling her into a hug. Tightly as if he was never going to her let go. "I'm so sorry. I should've have done that. I really hate seeing you like this and I wouldn't want you to feel like this again."

Y/n had a small smile on her face. She embraced the hug before they both let go. "This isn't your fault. You had no idea. I might have overreacted and I'm sorry for worrying you."

They both looked into each other's eyes. It was something that was drawing them in. Hyunjin places a stray hair behind Y/n's ear. "I just don't want to see you hurt." He softly said.

"Listen Y/n, I really care about you." He said. She stifled a chuckle. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I-"

"Y/n the guys wants to see you and they really want to cheer you up." Felix abruptly came into the room as the two quickly let go of each other. Felix didn't notice what he had interrupted.

"Um okay. I'll be out, I just need Hyunjin to help me with something first." Y/n told her brother. His eyes lit up knowing what she means, not exactly, but maybe.

"Got it." He slowly nodded, closing the door behind him.

Before Hyunjin could ask what she needed help with, she has placed her lips onto his. It took him by surprise at first, but he had immediately responded within seconds.

He smiled when he felt her soft lips against his and Y/n had felt fireworks go off in her heart.

"I like you too." She said, meeting his eyes once again. "I didn't want it to be unsaid after being interrupted a second time." She added.

Hyunjin stifled a chuckle and pulled her back into a hug. This time it had a feeling of warmth and comfort. "You make me happy, so I want to do the same for you."


"Y/n look at this flower I took a picture of, it's bright just like you."

"Y/n taste this brownie I made, it's sweet just like you."

"Check out where we can vacation next, it cool and adventurous just like you."

After the whole rollercoaster ride full of sad emotions, the boys wanted to do their best to bring up Y/n's happy mood. Which has been already fulfilled when she kissed Hyunjin 20 minutes ago.

"Guys. You're crowding her." Felix said. He was pushing his friends away from his sister except for Hyunjin who was sitting right next to her. 

"But I will take this." His eyes sparkled when he took the fresh brownie from Minho and plopped next to Gia. 

"Hey that wasn't for you- ah whatever, there's more in the kitchen anyways." Y/n chuckled at Minho's defeat. 


"Jiyoon I think I'm ready." Jisung sighed as he sat on the front porch, staring at the lake scenery.

She furrowed her eyebrows at the boy. "Ready for what?" 

"I'm ready to let Y/n go. You're right, Hyunjin does make her happy."

She sighed then went to sit right next to the him. "Just because you're letting her go, doesn't mean you'll never see her again."

"You guys were friends before, I'm sure you guys can continue to be great friends."

He didn't say anything.

"This is actually better for you guys." Jiyoon said. He turned to look at her, "How so?"

She pursed her lips and leaned back using her hands for support.

"The three of us has been together for five years and being the third wheel, I've observed a few things." Jisung's silence was telling her to continue.

"Jisung, our best moments were when the three of us were just three best friends. When you guys were dating, all you guys could do was fight and argue. Things were just better before." 

He didn't deny anything. He just sat there and thought about every moment when they were best friends versus when he actually dated Y/n. She was right, it was a disaster.

"I'm gonna go inside, I really want to try Minho's brownies. Will you be alright being out here by yourself?" Jiyoon asks, dusting off the dirt that could have followed her pants.

"I'll manage." He sent his cousin a reassuring smile before returning his gaze to the world in front of him.

Jiyoon let out a small sigh before entering the cabin.

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