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A month has passed and as you can tell so much has happened. There were a few bad things but a lot of good things too.

Even though Jiwon still exists in this school, Jiyoon and Gia became closer friends, and Felix and Gia are out of the flirting game and is now apart of the dating game.

Also, Y/n started to hang out with Hyunjin more, leaving things more tense when Jisung is around.


Time skip to the first weekend of September.

"Y/n, it's been a month and the guys haven't really gotten to know you better." Felix said. "Yeah expect for Hyunjin." Gia chuckled.

Felix's eyes slightly widened. "Wait really? No wonder I haven't seen him around much lately. Anyways I invited the guys tonight for all of us to hang out."

Y/n took a gulp of water. "Really." She casually said. "Yeah." Gia said. "I'm also going to be here so I already called Jiyoon to let her know." She added.

Y/n then leaned over the counter. "Mom and dad is gone for a business trip, so what are we going to do about food?" Y/n asks. Felix looked at her as if he was offended. "Excuse me but you already have a well-known chef living here already."

"Oh really. Are you sure they live here exactly, because I've never seen them." She teased him. "Hey. Remember those pancakes? 5 stars may I say so myself." He nodded.

"You burnt those and had too much butter that other time" Y/n told him. "Whatever. Minho also cooks so there will be two chefs in the house." He said.

She chuckled, "Whatever floats your boat. I'll be upstairs, knock on my door when the guys arrive." She then started going up the stairs. "Have fun kids, but not too much fun." She teased leaving the couple with blushed cheeks.


"Okay great everyone's here." Y/n smiled as she plops onto her bed with Jiwon and Seojun. "What's happening Y/n?" Jiwon asks.

"So I've been putting a lot of thought into it and finally I have came up with the perfect name."

"A name? A name for what?" Seojun asks.

"Well, our name." Y/n answered. "How do you guys like '3 Birds'?" Y/n added as she held out magic 'ta da' hands. "Why '3 Birds'? Jiwon questioned.

"I was inspired by one of our favorite movies, Grease, so I did a play-on with 'T-Birds' to '3 Birds'. I give it meaning, we three are birds who is in freedom and we just fly free." Y/n continued.

She looked at them waiting for their reactions.

"I like it." Jiwon said. "Me too." Seojun agreed.

"Great, '3 Birds' it is." Y/n chuckled along with her 2 friends.


"Ugh how far did I push it in?" Y/n was in her room struggling to grab out her huge comforter from her closet because she thought since she had to sleep on the ground of the living room, she needs to be as comfy she needs to be.

As she successfully pulls out her wanted comforter something else fell out as well.

A box with '3 Birds' written on top of it.

"Oh my god." Y/n whispers. She kneeled down and took ahold of the box. She opened it to find photos, letters, and other things she collected with her ex-friends.

She continued to look through it as tears started to build up. Her room door could be heard slowly opening as she quickly wiped her tears. "Felix, didn't I tell you to knock?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to barge in." The person said. Y/n quickly stood up and turned around at the voice.

"Jisung. What are you doing here?" She asks. "Everyone arrived and I noticed you weren't downstairs so I came up to look for you."

"Oh right." Is all she said.

Then Jisung's eyes softened, "Were you crying?" She secretly pushed the box with her feet and shook her head. "No." Her voice croaked.

He saw the box and sighed. Jisung walked towards Y/n and pulled her in for a comforting hug. He felt her tense up for a moment but soon loosened.

"Oh I'm sorry." He said. He was about to let go until Y/n stopped him. "No wait, can we- uh can we stay like this for a little longer?"

He looked at her with a soft smile and nodded then hugged her a little tighter.

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now