Prologue - 프롤로그

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It was nothing like one imagined or wished it to be. It was nothing more than an imaginary dream which one waits to be fulfilled but in the end gets slapped with the cruel reality. It was nothing like those stories she had ever read.

Still unable to differ if this was reality or a dream, she ran into the only place she confided and knew would find the answers to her question.

Pushing the wooden doors wide open, she eyed the familiar place with narrowed eyes. With a harsh gulp of her own doubts, she walked into the dimly lit room.

In the room of semi-darkness she took steady steps, the only sound reverberating was her pump shoes moving over the wooden deck. Coming in front of the familiar stand, she breathed in and out slowly. This was where she would get all her answers.

Bringing up her cold hands she slowly took out the book from the bookshelf, dusting away the dirt collected on it before opening the book.

Memories came flooded into her mind like a wave of nausea as she sub-consciously caressed her hand over the thin and musty pages of the book. She bit her lip to control the emotions as she flipped onto the different pages, searching for the particular page.

Warm tears slowly brimmed her crystal eyes, dampening her cheeks as the salty liquid made its way to fall on the page she wanted to find desperately, over a particular paragraph which she held open.

"Destiny is something which we cannot change. However, we can be patient to know the reason why things did not turn out the way we hoped it would be."

She continued to stare at her own writing, not willing to believe that fate played its trick on her. Her respect and regard for destiny was eradicated the moment she heard the truth. But she wanted to swat that thought away, dismiss it as if none of it was real.

But she knew she was faking it all so that she wouldn't get hurt.

Soon her tears stopped falling and she sniffed hastily before walking over to the blazing fire. The book still in her hand, she tightly gripped it one last timeㅡfeeling the familiar weight in her handsㅡ before throwing it into the fireplace, blazing the fire more bigger.

It was one of the coldest time of the year and seeing the fire burn so well inside her room, she should feel warm. But despite the fire burning right in front of her, she was shivering with coldness.

Not even the fire could warm her now.

She stared at the burning book, crossing her arms as stoicness took over her mind. She felt soulless, numb to all emotions as she watched the book burn to ashes. It was her life she contained in that book which she loved and adored more than anything. But now it was burnt to crisp and dusted to ashes.

Her book was over and so was her life.

A/N: I hope everyone enjoy reading this book!

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A/N: I hope everyone enjoy reading this book!

•𝐄𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞• ||「𝐾𝑁𝐽」Where stories live. Discover now