Chapter 6 - Waking up

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Shigaraki was pissed. How dare she give him something from a hero. He stopped at the edge of the forest. He sighed, itching his neck and took the cream out. It looked new. Did she ask him to buy it for her just so she could give it to him? He placed it back in his pocket, turning and walked back but he saw she was walking away. He then saw someone running at her. When she looked, she looked so scared and ran from him. Shigaraki followed them. He saw the kid run into an alleyway and peeked in.

What he saw was something horrifying. He was a villain, yes. Someone who could kill in cold blood but this kid was beating her till she was a bloody mess. Shigaraki was pissed and looked around. He saw people watching, smiling at what was going on. The kid then walked out, wiping (y/n)'s blood off him and the people had the nerve to clap. He walked in the alleyway, seeing she was in a sitting position, leaning on the dumpster and bent down, feeling her neck. She was breathing and he thanked the stars for that. He knew he needed to take her to the hideout. He moved and sat next to her so he was hidden like she was. He then took out his phone and did the speed dial for Kurogiri. 

"Shigaraki. Do you need to be warped?" Kurogiri asked. 

"Yes. Have Twice help me with something also." Shigaraki said, hanging up. He then felt the portal open behind him. He stood and walked in, grabbing (y/n)'s arm with four fingers and dragged her in. Once in, Kurogiri closed it and they saw the girl. 

"Twice. Put her on the couch." Shigaraki said, making sure to put her on the ground gently. Twice nods and picks her up, placing her down. She groans in pain and he runs to get the first aid kit once she is on the couch. 

"Is this the girl you were talking about?" Kurogiri asked. Shigaraki gave a nod as Twice ran back and started to clean and wrap her wounds.

"What happened to her?" Twice asked as he finished. Shigaraki moves to her, looking at her. 

"All I know about her is she was forced to wear that collar and she is beaten almost everyday. I just saw this happen." Shigaraki said. Twice and Kurogiri were silent before Twice moved and sat on the other couch after he finished with the girl.

"She will be out for a while" Twice said and he was right. You were out for five hours before your eyes slowly opened and you saw Shigaraki hovering over you. He never left your side and watched you the whole time. 

"S-Shigaraki?" You asked but put your hand to your head.

"Ow." You say. He moved and took your hand putting it down, careful of his fingers. 

"Don't. That kid messed you up badly. You need to heal." Shigaraki said. You gave a small nod and looked away, seeing someone sitting across from you. He smiled and waved. You got scared.

"Hey there. Names Jin but you can call me Twice." He said. You wanted to move away and hide. 

"(y/n)." Shigaraki said and you looked up at him. He smiled and that helped you calm down. 

"No one will hurt you here. Twice helped you." Shigaraki said. You calmed down a bit more and looked at him again. 

"T-Thank you." You whispered. He gave a toothy grin. You heard someone walk up and you saw a guy hover over you. He was made of a purple mist. He reached and you tried to sink into the couch. He stopped.

"Its OK. I'm just making sure your nose is ok and not broken." He said and slowly reached. You had tears and closed your eyes in fear as he got close but he never touched you. You heard them gasp and you looked away, eyes still closed and tears threatening to fall.

"H-How." You heard him ask. You then felt a hand on your cheek, making you turn your head. It hurt but you made no sound of pain and turned your head with that hand. You opened your eyes, your tears coming down as you looked up at Shigaraki

"How is it that Kurogiri's hand turned into a human hand?" Shigaraki asked you. He didn't look happy.

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