Chapter 22 - Friends

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"S-Shoto?" You asked. He looked at you and smiled. 

"Good to see you again." He said before he turned his head and looked behind him.

"Midoriya." He said. You then saw other students from U.A coming up and a boy with green hair ran up to you and Shoto. 

"R-Right." He said and took your arm gently and the others surrounded you. 

"You damn extras. Your helping a villain!" Bakugo yelled. You saw a boy with jets on his calves helping Shigaraki up, who was bleeding from the head and still knocked out.  

"No. We are helping a girl." A boy with black hair and red eyes said. He looking nervous and kept touching his face. Bakugo growled. 

"Then you will all be ladled as villains!" Bakugo yelled. Shoto took a step forward.  

"I would rather be ladled as a villain then let you hurt my friend anymore." Shoto said. You looked and saw the others nodding. Bakugo was almost turned red from anger. 

"Besides Kacchan! You told us she would attack us! You lied to us!" Midoriya yelled. 

"She's working for the league of villains!" Bakugo yelled. 

"Because you pushed her to far!" A girl who had pink skin yelled. Bakugo let out a loud scream and ran at everyone but he couldn't hold his own against everyone. You ran over to Shigaraki as they fought Bakugo and looked at him. 

"He's hurt. Looks like he hit his head. We have to take him to the hospital." The calf boy said. You shook your head. 

"No. Bakugo kicked his head. We need All For One." You say. He looked at Shoto as they tied up Bakugo and walked over to you. 

"(y/n). The villains took down the heroes." He said when the door opened and you looked, seeing All for One and other villains. You stood and ran to him. You took his hand and dragged him to Shigaraki. He looked and took out a bottle. 

"All For one. My friends helped me." You said as he made Shigaraki drink the water. He looked at you and then looked around. 

"Good." He said and stood.

"Everyone in this room that helped (y/n). Follow me. (y/n), Come." He said. You looked at The boy but he was already standing and walking. You walked next to him and took Shigaraki's hand but you felt someone else take your hand and looked, seeing Shoto. You smiled at him.   

"Thank you Shoto but why are you here if you saw all the villains?" You asked. He looked at you. 

"I was with my class when we saw Bakugo run into the building. We saw the villains attacking and followed him but we then saw him hurting Shigaraki and you. I told them you weren't evil and ran over, punching Bakugo." He said. You looked shocked. All For one then walked from the building and into the new building. You saw the heroes tied up, even All might. A boy with tape coming from his elbows brought Bakugo over and made him sit next to Enji. 

"Look." All For one said. You saw them all looking. 

"You are looking at the true heroes of this town. One's who don't hurt a girl because of her quirk." All For one said. Shigaraki made a small noise and you looked, seeing his eyes open.

"Shigaraki." You say. He looks at you and the boy puts him down. 

"(y/n)." He says and hugs you, kissing you. You kiss him back.

"Shigaraki. (y/n)." You both hear and jump, facing All For one. 

"Sorry master." Shigaraki said. He gave a nod. 

"I want you all to know we will be the government but the children here, they will be the next Heroes." All For one said. The room was silent before Enji looked down. 

We deserve this." Enji said. You looked at him and you saw he was shaking a bit. 

"I...I started to make a bracelets that could cancel the quirk so you didn't have to wear the caller but it was rejected by the heroes." He said and looked at you and you saw tears. 

"I should have pushed harder." He said. You moved to him. 

"I don't blame you going to the villains. If it was me, I would do the same." He said. You had tears as he said that before they were taken away.

"No!" you yelled but Shigaraki grabbed you, making you stop.   

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