Chapter 16 - The true villains

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You were pinned to the wall by All Might as Aizawa looked at the phone. He sighed and looked at All Might.

"Its useless." He said, holding up the broken sims card. Enji stood, anger on his face as everyone looked at you. You gave them a glare. All Might punched you in your cheek. Your glare was replaced by pain and you had tears, a bit of blood coming out of your mouth. He then grabbed your face.

"We need her to talk." All Might said.

"Bring her to my house. We have a meeting room and we can keep her locked up." Enji said. They gave a nod and grabbed your arms. You turned to fight but they were to strong. Your jaw hurt and it felt like it was dislocated. They dragged you through the streets and people laughed. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on Shigaraki and your other friends. Once at the Todoroki's, they walked into a room with no windows and made you sit. You stood but Aizawa used his scarf and tied you to the chair.

"Stay." Aizawa said before they brought rope and tied you. Aizawa's scarf went back to him. All Might walked up, grabbing your chin again. You had fresh tears from the pain and he looked. He moved, grabbing your chin gently. He then pushed and you felt a pop. You let out a small scream.

"She can talk now." All Might said and backed up as the door was closed. You growled at them.

"Who gave you that phone?" Aizawa asked. You looked at him but said nothing.

"(y/n)." Enji ordered and you looked at him.

"Tell him. That's an order." He said. You look away, ashamed. You made a promise to Shigaraki and you planed to keep it.

"Answer him!" All Might yelled. You looked at him before you spit at him.

"I won't ever listen to you or anyone like you." You say. All Might walked up and bent down to your level. He touched your collar and you froze.

"This looks tight." He said. You tried not to show sadness as he said that. He knew that so why bring it up?

"How about a trade. You tell us who gave you that phone, we put a new one on. A bigger one." He said, letting it go. You looked at him but said nothing. He gave a nod.

"Was it the villains?" He asked. You shook your head. Shigaraki, Twice, Kurogiri, and All For one weren't villains, they were your heroes.

"No. The villains didn't give it to me." You said. Enji walked up.

"Then who gave it to you?" Enji asked. You looked at him.

"The heroes." You said. The room was quiet. You gave a soft groan from talking. Your jaw still hurt.

"No hero gave you a phone." Aizawa said. You looked at him.

"Your wrong. You see, villains put a collar on me. They beat me daily. They made me obey." You say, fighting the pain and saw a small purple mist in the corner, behind them so they wouldn't see it but you did. You knew your heroes were listening.

"My heroes saved me. Treated me with kindness. Healed me. Maybe me feel love." You say and let out tears and took a deep breath. You knew what you had to do.

"And they will leave me here! I'm not worth getting caught for! Leave me! Leave me! Leave me!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. All Might grabbed your mouth but you bit him hard. He hit your face to make you let him go but You kept biting him and you smiled as the purple mist disappeared . Only then did you let All Might go, who punched your stomach.

"It looks like she got caught up in the wrong crowd." Aizawa said. All Might gave a nod but Enji walked up, making you look at him. You were closed to passing out.

"We will keep her here. If they do want her, we can catch them." He said and looked at you with sad eyes. You spit at him.

"I truly did think of you as a daughter but I guess I am a villain to you." He said and left. You closed your eyes and let out tears.

You would never betray Shigaraki or any member of the league of villains. They were your only family now. Enji would never let you back in now.

"Y-Your wrong. You are still a hero to me." You whispered before you passed out.  

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