Chapter 10 - Hideout.

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You heard birds and groaned. You sat up and gave a yawn. You saw it was still dark out but that was good. You got up and grabbed a clean towel. There was a river near by and you walked to it. That's where you would wash yourself and your clothes. It was freezing but it was also the only way you stayed clean.

"What I wouldn't give for a hot shower." You said as you washed yourself. Once done, you walked back to your cave and got out some clean clothes and dressed. The clothes you washed were now hanging in your cave and you made your bed. You then thought of Shigaraki. Maybe you could find his house. You walked out of your cave and began to head to the city but you stopped. You were scared. You didn't want to see anyone that would hurt you. You backed up and sat on the ground, leaning on a tree. You didn't want to be in pain anymore. You pulled at your collar.

"S-Shigaraki." You whispered with tears. You stayed there for a bit before you stood and walked to the park, sitting on the bench. Would he show up today? Maybe he could show you were he lived so you could go there if you needed to get away.

"(y/n)." You heard and looked, seeing him as he walked and waved. You smiled and waved. The sun was just peeking up form the horizon.

"Hi Shigaraki." You said. He sat but gave a frown. He touched your collar. You gave a frown and looked down. He must have noticed that it was smaller.

"I kicked Bakugo. I was punished." You said without him asking anything. He moved his hand.

"So you stood up for yourself?" He asked. You gave a nod.

"Yeah but I shouldn't have. I should have just obeyed and gotten hurt but..." You stop. He rubbed your back.

"Why not come with me? We can talk about it at our...our place." Shigaraki said. You looked at him.

"Really? I wanted to ask you where you lived so I can go there if I needed to." You said but then blushed a bit and became anxious.

"I-I mean if that's OK!" You yelled and waved your hands. Shigaraki laughed a bit.

"It's fine but it will be with Kurogiri's warp gate." He said and took a phone out. You didn't care. You were just happy to be getting away. You were lost in your thoughts and you saw him stand, phone away. You stood and he started to walk. You followed him, walking next to him.

"Shigaraki, where are you going?" You asked as he walked in to the woods. He looked at you.

"We can't be seen by others." He said. You gave a nod and he stopped. You also stopped and looked around. You were both in the middle of the woods. You then saw the gate open and Shigaraki walked in. You quickly walked in and saw Kurogiri and Twice. You smiled and waved at them. They waved back as the portal closed.

"Hello again." Kurogiri said. Shigaraki sat on the couch. You moved and sat with him.

"So. Why did you say you should just obey them?" Shigaraki asked. Your smile faded and you looked down.

"Because that's what I found works best. I should do as I'm ordered." You said. Twice and Kurogiri sat across from you.

"Who orders you to do things?" Twice asked. Your hands clenched into fists.

"The heroes of this city mainly. They told me I had to follow what they and everyone say. It's always the same thing. Don't fight back and just take the beatings" You said in hate. Shigaraki looked at Twice and Kurogiri.

"So its safe to say you don't like them." Kurogiri asked. You looked at him and looked pissed.

"No. I hate them! I only like the Todoroki's and you guys!" You say. They both look at Shigaraki.

"You haven't told her." Twice said. You looked at Shigaraki and he looked worried.

"Tell me what?" You asked. Shigaraki looked at you but no one said anything. You stood, afraid.

"Y-Your working with All Might and the heroes. Your a spy for them." You said in fear. Shigaraki stood.

"(y/n), your..." He started but you ran. You ran right out of the room. You fell for his kindness and let yourself think you had a friend. You felt a hand grab your arm.

"No!" You scream and cry.

"Let me explain!" Shigaraki yelled. You looked at him, tears in your eyes.

"No! I trusted you!" You screamed. He watched as you pulled, trying to get out of his grip. He then looked down.

"I'm a villain." He said. You stopped and looked at him. His hair was covering his face.

"Kurogiri, Twice, and myself. We are villains." He said. You looked down.

"Y-Your not lying to me...Are you?" You asked. He looked at you.

"I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want to lose a friend." He said and let you go. You rubbed your arm.

"Will you come back and speak with us?" Shigaraki asked. You gave a small nod. He smiled and moved, holding his arm out. You walked back in. Once in, You saw a new man standing there.

"Master." Shigaraki said in surprise.

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