Chapter 9 - Interigation and punishment

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All Might had lead you the building for heroes and into the room they first put you in when you were five. He let you go as he closed the door.

"Sit." He said. You obeyed and sat down. He crossed his arms and looked at you.

"Explain." He said. You looked at him.

"He beat..." You started but he held his hand out. You looked down. You should have known he didn't want to hear it.

"We have told you not to hurt people. You hurt them enough just because of your quirk. We take precautions with the collar but if you go around and pick fights it could come off." All Might said. You didn't say anything. He wouldn't listen anyway. All Might sighed and you heard the door open and close. You didn't move. You knew Shigaraki, Twice and Kurogiri would have listened to you. They were kind. You heard the door open again and you saw All Might's feet.

"Look at me." He ordered. You did and you saw your old collar. He put it on you and took your new one off. You had forgotten how tight it was. You then looked at the ground again.

"You will wear this one till you learn your lesson. We will speak again in a few months. Try not to hurt my students." He said and opened the door.

"Now leave." He ordered. You glared at the ground. The collar was already cutting you but you knew you couldn't do anything. You stood and left the room, then the building. You walked to the park and sat on your normal bench. You were pissed and now more in pain because of the old collar. You pulled at it but it didn't help much. You started to cry as you pulled it.

They always did this. If you did obey them, you would be punished. If you acted like a human, they treated you like a dog. You then remembered Shigaraki, Twice and Kurogiri. You stopped pulling at your collar. They didn't treat you like that. They said your name and helped you. They made you happy. You smiled at that.

"(y/n)?" You heard and looked, seeing Enji. He walked over and sat with you.

"So. You hit Bakugo?" He said. You looked away from him.

"Don't look away. I'm glad you stood up for yourself." He said. You looked at him.

"Yeah but they put my old collar back on." You said. He looked at it.

"I'm sorry. Why did you fight him though?" He asked. You looked at the ground.

"He beat me. He smashed my head into a wall and kicked me." You said. Enji looked confused.

"You don't look hurt. You look like you aren't even injured." He said. You smiled and looked at him.

"I know. I was healed." You said happily. He looked at you and smiled.

"Oh? Who healed you?" He asked. You opened your mouth but closed it fast. You remembered that Shigaraki said to keep the visits between you and him a secret because he was on a mission. It was when you first started to hang out with him. Enji chuckled at your silence.

"You don't have to tell me. I am glad that you stood up for yourself." He said and stood, facing you. You looked up at him.

"Why not come for dinner tonight?" He asked. You smiled at him.

"Thanks, but I don't feel like being around people. I just want to rest." You say. He gave a nod and walked off. You stood and walked into the woods, heading to your cave. Once in, you saw your bed and got in it. The cave was nice but you also hated it. It was cold and damp. You shivered and held yourself as you wrapped yourself in your blanket and you remembered the warmth you felt at Shigaraki's place. You smiled.

"I miss you guys." You said and laid down, falling asleep. The Todoroki's were great, but Shigaraki made you feel strong. 

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