Chapter 2: The Red Headed Girl

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Harry was freshening up when Ginny, Daniel [her boyfriend]and Arthur arrived. Percy, Bill and Charlie weren't able to make it.

Molly, Hermione, Ron and George decided not to tell those who just arrived, so as to make it a surprise or probably because they were afraid of the way Ginny would react. Ron and George were setting the table, the females were in the kitchen and Arthur was questioning Daniel.

Harry, not knowing that the love of his life was around, came down the stairs gently so as not to draw the attention of anyone. He looked better than before, but still had some bruises on his skin.

"Look who finally decided to come down, when we just finished setting the table." George said, making all eyes turn towards him then to Harry.

"HARRY, is that really you? "Arthur asked surprised.

"Yes Arthur. Its Harry." Molly replied him as she come out of the kitchen with the two girls behind her back.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise!" he said as he pulled him into a hug. When he released him from the hug, Harry's green eyes met with Ginny's brown ones. They stared at each other for what felt like years but broke contact when Daniel came in between them.

"Mr. Harry Potter, it's a pleasure to meet you." he said.

"Oh... and you are?" Harry asked with a concerned look.

"Oh yeah, my bad. I'm Daniel. Daniel Bright. Ginny's boyfriend"

Those words shattered Harry's heart. He stood there dumbfounded. No one spoke because they all knew how much those words must have hurt Harry. They all knew how he loved her deeply and that she was probably the reason he returned from wherever he went to.

"C'mon now. Let's go eat." Ginny said. The whole family had pitied Harry except for Ginny and Daniel, so they decided to start a conversation. But it didn't work. Harry didn't even notice that anyone was talking. All he cared about is that the love of his life already moved on

'Why did the universe hate him so much?' he thought to himself. As he thought about it, his heart shattered into pieces. He wanted to cry but he just couldn't. Pain roamed around his green eyes. Although he was hungry, he couldn't eat. He became so weak from hearing those words that he had to force himself to eat. He didn't want to draw attention and if he hadn't forced himself, Mrs. Weasley would.

After dinner, the girls cleared the table and went to the kitchen. Arthur continued his talk with Daniel and Ron and George began to play wizard chess. Harry went outside and sat down.

Looking at the moon, he tried to organise his thought but was interrupted by a voice.

“It's beautiful, isn't?"

He recognised that voice instantly and without looking back, he answered.

"Yeah it is"

"I never got to welcome you properly" Ginny said as she sat next to him,

"Yeah, I guess not" he said. "So... I see you've moved on" he continued.

"Yes, I guess I have"

"Oh... um... so you've started working, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I am professional quidditch player."

"Well, that's nice. You finally got to fulfil your dreams."

"Yeah, but I couldn't have done it without Daniel"

{And that was it. On hearing those words Harry had a heart attack and died. THE END. LOL. Just Kidding.}

Anyways,I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did,don't forget to vote and comment.

By the way, is it just me that thinks the conversation with Ginny was supper awkward🤔 I guess I really need to work on it.

Lots of love

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