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Hey guys! This isn't an actual chapter, so you don't have to read it. I would really appreciate it if you do though.

What was the first book you read?

I really don't remember the first book I ever read.

What made you start reading?

Okay, to be honest, I always hated reading. Back then, if someone had told me that I would be obsessed with books to the point that I even have my own, I would have laughed.

I always thought reading books was veeery stressful. I always had headache whenever I tried to read until... I watched Harry Potter

After watching all Harry Potter movies, I didn't understand some things. Then I found out that there was a book for it. Shoving my hatred for books aside, I downloaded all Harry Potter books and began to read.

2 months later... After reading all Harry Potter books, I fell in love😍 But I still wasn't satisfied. That's how I began to read.

What books did I start reading on Wattpad?

The first book I ever read on Wattpad was an Harry Potter fanfiction. I started with Hinny and then fell in love with Dramione.

Who introduced me to Wattpad?

My good old buddy, Google. I was surfing the internet one day and I saw it. I guess it's safe to say it drew me in.

How did I get the idea for my first book?

"The Boy who Loves" was my first book. I got the idea when I was in the bathroom. Actually, I get all my ideas in the bathroom. Water helps me think, I guess🤷

What is "Damaged in Love" all about?

Now... Now, I can't spoil my book, can I 🤷
But I can say, I got the idea when I got tired of reading happy endings.
I decided to write my own book where something is stopping them from being together, and that's how I gave birth to "Damaged in Love"

If you are to thank anyone for who you are right now, who would you thank?

I owe my life to a lot of people.

Firstly, I'll thank God for keeping me alive and making all this possible.

I'll thank my parents for bringing me into this world

I'll thank my sisters for believing in me

I'll thank my best friends for inspiring me

I'll thank my One and Only, for being with me through thick and thin (wonder who that is😉)

I'll thank all those who love me

And even those who wish me bad

I won't be who I am right now without all of you. Much love to y'all💞💞

What do you do when you have writer's block?

I simply give myself time and read more books🤷

What kind of books do I enjoy?

I like fictional Romance and Thriller.

I like reading about arranged marriages😍😍😍

I'm even planing to write my own book on an arranged marriage.

Who is my favourite fictional character on Wattpad?

My friends and I are totally in love with Lucas Klein from "Neptune" by anya_jayvyn. Y'all should check it out.

I also like Neveah from "The Girl in the Hoodie" by SarcasticallyWitty

What inspires me, encourages me and makes me want to be a better person?

Apart from the people in my life, I also rely on music.

Where do I want to be five years from now?

Five years from now, I want to have written about 7 books, each book having at least 50 thousand reads.

Five years from now, I want to be a verified writer and an influencer.

Five years from now, I want to know how to speak at least two languages.

Five years from now, I want to be able to live independently

Five years from now, I want to have a job

Five years from now, I want to be successful

Why do I think people should read my books and comment and share and vote?

Why not 🤷 My books are born from my imagination and I believe all my hardwork and energy should be appreciated 🙃

What is special about me?


My name, my heart, my brain, my imagination, my beliefs, my interests, my likes, my dislikes

Apart from writing, what other thing can I see myself doing in the future?

I see myself fighting for justice. I see myself fighting against discrimination and for human rights.

What kind of books do I hate the most?

Non - fictional

That's all for now 😊

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