Chapter 7: The War

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They moon shine bright as they all apparated right outside the gates of the huge house. The Malfoy Manor. When the rest arrived. They proceeded towards the gates of the Manor. Draco came forward and touched the large 'M' at the center of the gates. The large gates slowly opened and they all didn't think twice before marching towards the horrifying huge house.
They all entered fearlessly.
"What are you doing? " Draco exclaimed as Hermione pulled him backwards away from the others. His eyes burning in anger and his blond hair falling on his face. He held his wand steadily in is hand ready to fight.
"Are you sure you want to fight? I mean your father is there" Hermione asked pointing to the doors that lead inside the Manor
"Look,as for me my father is dead. The man in there is a death eater. Potter saved my life after all I did to him."
"OK... then I suggest we start going then." Draco nodded and they both proceeded.
They caught up with the others who weren't far away. They decided to split up. Ginny,Hermione and Draco went towards the room Draco had once found Harry in.
Ginny's POV
As we separated, Malfoy led the way. I admit I felt scared but I kept going. I knew Harry would do anything to save me. After all, I still felt guilty about pushing him away.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud scream. Draco,Hermione and I quicken our pace. We finally stopped at an old large wooden door that the scream was coming for. With a flick of her wand, Hermione opened the door and we boldly stepped inside.
Harry laid there,blood oozing out of his body. His skin was as pale as ever and his messy jet black hair was as rough as ever. He was held down with huge heavy chains. His loving emerald eyes that I once fell in love with or I should probably say that I am in love with is now colourless and emotionless. My heart ached as I saw him lying there. It hurt more when I remembered that it is partly my fault that he is in pain.
I stunned the death eater and Draco made the chains vanish. I rushed over to Harry,grabbed his arm and put it over my shoulder. Hermione did the same as Draco checked if the coast was clear. Hermione and I supported Harry as we walked towards the door. I stunned two different death eaters and Hermione disarmed three.

Draco decided that it wouldn't be safe to apparate with Harry, so we decided to use floo. We walked to the fireplace still supporting Harry. I grabbed a handful of flooring powder that Draco gave me as I disarmed another death eater. I could hear spells and crashes which I assumed would be the others.

" St'Mungo's" I yelled. The green flames affected my vision and before I knew it, I was in the hospital.
"Emergency "I shouted. A healer came over to me and took Harry.

I looked over to find the source of the voice. I saw Mom, Dad, Hermione, Draco and Ron.
I walked over and hugged Mum.
"How's Harry? "Hermione asked.
"The healers took him. And I haven't heard anything from them till now. How did it go with the death eaters?" I asked.
"We got most of them. The Ministry is handling everything now " Dad answered.
I sighed as we all sat down,waiting. A thin healer came towards us.
"He's weak and has lost a lot of blood. I'm sorry but you won't be able to see him. He's asleep so you can all check on him tomorrow. But I would ask one of you to stay behind in case he wakes. "she said in a very soft voice.
"Okay, Ginny you can stay with him" Mum suggested. I nodded. They all apparated back including Draco while I followed the healer to where Harry was.
There he laid peacefully on the bed. His chest was slowly rising and falling again. I sat by him and held his hand. All I could think of was how peaceful he looked when no one was trying to kill him. I eventually slept off still holding his hand.

I woke up when I felt a tight grip on my hand. It didn't take me much time before I noticed it was Harry. He wasn't awake yet but was shaking and sweating.
"Harry.... Harry, it's just a nightmare " I whispered while tapping his shoulder. He woke up and I handed him his glasses.


"Oh Harry, how do you feel "

" A little drowsy but okay. What happened? "

"Draco told us everything. How they tortured you and how you sacrificed your life to safe ours. " I said all in one breath. He didn't reply but just stared at me. I stared back because I couldn't look away from those emerald eyes I once fell in love with.

No one said anything until the door opened. I gasped in shock when the same healer from yesterday came in.
"Good, you are awake. "she said. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You can go home and freshen up ." she said
I nodded and smiled at her.
"I'll come back to check on you" I shyly told Harry. He nodded and smiled weakly at me.
I left and apparated back home

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