The Unexpected Partner - Extended Preview

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"W-wait a minute! What do you mean I have to take her place?!" Aliana was on the verge of yet another panic attack.

This was not something she thought she had to think about in the near future, let alone the present time.

"Xiomara ruptured her achilles and Danté requested you especially as you've been a rising star in classes for these past few months!" Gloria damn near squealed at the news, whilst Aliana froze at the fact she was personally requested...especially by him.

"Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to tell Danté that-"

"Tell me what?"

A smokey, heavily accented voice sifted through the near empty dance studio. His piercing eyes nailed on her made the heterochromia of his eyes even sharper against the softly lit surroundings.

She felt petrified under his gaze and unable to answer his question...not as quickly as Gloria anyway.

"Oh Danté, mi querido! Just in time! Aliana was just in the middle of accepting the offer to dance with you at él festival regional, but now that you are here..." faltering as she was lost in thought momentarily, Gloria had a unnerving look in her eye as she looked at her watch, whilst Aliana's eyes widened at the fact the dastardly crafty woman put her right into a mess.

Danté paid Gloria little to no mind after that 'confirmation', as his eyes seemed to sharpen and narrow on Aliana's awkward figure, a glint now making its way into his speckled irises.

After what happened three nights previous, she's been quite obvious in her pursuit to avoid him.

He shouldn't have-

"Why don't you start practicing now?!" Gloria now had a similar glint in her eyes, more teasing than intimidating compared to the other guy in the room, and this was all but confirmed when she winked Aliana's way conspiratorially.

Just as she was about to protest, the hulking mass of muscle and poise that was Danté drew even closer to her until she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck.

Personal space is a thing you know, she thought irritatedly whilst rolling her eyes, until she remembered the routine she would have to do with Danté and how close they would have to be for it.

"What a wonderful idea Señora, we'll let you enjoy the rest of your day with tu familia. I've got the keys so I'll lock up." Every word that he said could be felt along her nape to the tip of her right ear and Aliana shivered at the indirect contact. When she chanced a glance in his direction her eyes zoned in on the impish grin lighting up his rugged features and travelled up to his eyes, alert with mirth and something else...whilst he stared dead in her eyes.

A subtle whimper squeezed out between her softly parted lips and she weakly hoped he didn't hear it. The sharp drop in his grin, the darkening of his eyes and hitch in his breath told her that her hopes were with her dreams...non-existent in the present moment.

Unbeknownst to Gloria, giddy as ever, she visibly brightened at his words and said her goodbyes.

Aliana watched hopelessly as Danté led Gloria out of the studio.

He closed the door and appeared to lean on it for a few seconds, head forward and back slightly hunched.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys-

Aliana was now more alert than ever, as she watched him lock the door and slowly turn around to face her again.

It didn't even look like him anymore and she visibly shrunk as he slowly stalked his way back over to her.

"D-Danté I-"

She shut up quick as his strong and able hands cinched around her waist and pulled her close to him so they were in the beginning position of the routine.

"Let's dance."

The Unexpected Partner (JULY 2021 MULTI-CHAP UPDATE)Where stories live. Discover now