Chapter 5 - Gone

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(A/N: TRIPLE UPDATE?! I promise you I'm not high, writer's block has just temporarily left the building, we thank God🥳enjoy!!!)


The man wasn't as astute and engaged to the music this time around and his partner noticed it too, his thoughts still preoccupied with the bewitching woman he had danced with previous.

As soon as she entered, his eyes were drawn to her. Even with the mask, he could appreciate her beauty. He also noticed he wasn't the only one watching her. She seemed completely unaware of her pull, a doe-like innocence seemed to sprout from her deep brown eyes that lightened in shade as the strobe lights caressed her face and flawless curves. Before he even knew what he was doing, and before anyone else could, his legs marched towards her. He caught her eyes and was taken aback by some otherworldly force, completely enchanted by the sight and smell of her.

He's never seen her before, he knows that for certain. He would definitely remember her.

Again, his body acted of it's own accord, dragging her to the dance floor for the next dance.

He didn't understand it but he wanted to feel more of her, possess her in the only way he knew how; to entrap her within the coils of dance that brought him, and hopefully her too, to this event tonight, that brought her to him.

He didn't want it to end. She felt overpowering; he was embarrassed at the way his body responded to her touch like no one else did, but still wanted more, no, craved it. The harshness in his emotions were translated through his pin pointed movement, his spins causing the tassles on her dress to hit his thighs with a satisfying sting.

Her teasing only set him ablaze futher; he chanced a taste of her and nearly outright chomped down on her exposed skin, settling for just nipping teasingly at the darkening flesh. Her gasps and sighs nearly consumed him and he had to contain an animalistic growl that wanted to force it's way out, to claim her. He wasn't an animal, of course.

He'd never felt so out of control in his life.

As the music ended, he didn't know what to do with himself.

He brought her up to his chest and trapped her eyes in a heated battle with his.

He could recall the soft fluttering of her breath against his lips as she also tried to get a hold of her self.

He didn't pay much attention to her words until she started to walk away from him, practically running.

"Danny! What the- who the-" his dance partner guffawed, hardly containing her shock.

"Be quiet Xi, I need to-" he himself was at a loss for words. What did he need? Really?

Within a flash he was trailing after her, ignoring the shouts behind him. He grabbed his coat, in case he needed to chase after her out of the premises. Thankfully, he caught up quickly, as she had slowed down her pace considerably.

Shivering slightly, she seemed to be in a contemplative state.

He reached her, as quietly as possible, and draped his jacket around her shoulders, flattening the material against her arms, turning her around to face him.

If only they could have continued their...conversation before Xi came storming through the building's passageways shouting till kingdom come.


"Go get her you idiot! I have to deal with your grumpy self most of the time, hopefully that can start to change." Xi was smiling widely at the excitement that shone in her good friend's eyes.

They had just finished their dance and she could tell he was itching to go after the "Cinderella of the Bachata Ball".

His grin widened as he took off his mask and handed it to his friend, then rushed off in the direction he had left the woman.

The Unexpected Partner (JULY 2021 MULTI-CHAP UPDATE)Where stories live. Discover now