Chapter 7 - Burnt Wood and Cinnamon

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(A/N: Fun fact!!! I wrote these chapters whilst listening to some bachata music and it done the damn thing😌 Happy reading yet again)


Aliana dragged AJ with her as they got into the starting stances. Xiomara reminded them all to listen carefully to the music and time their steps accordingly. For some of the intermediate dancers, if comfortable enough, they could even add some improvisation during the latter stages of the routine.

Kambalacho by Tino Trimó was playing.

AJ seemed particularly focused compared to the beginning of the class. No longer scouting for girls in the studio but keeping his eyes on Aliana's. As they danced along to the music. For some reason, the way the instruments in the music were played together gave the impression of a hunt; the haunting, mystical voice of Tino flowed around the studio room, casting a magical mist around Aliana as her body rolled and writhed effortlessly to the beat. She didn't even need to try to ignore the predatory eyes of a certain broody man who finally participated in the class, dancing with Xiomara; the music did it for her.

AJ danced along, having always been her partner at all the other classes she went too. He was annoyed when she took Sade to the event in the Dominica Republic instead of him but one of his 'past girls' ended up healing his ego for the duration of the trip. That was one of the main reasons Aliana couldn't see herself with him. He was a serial flirt and womaniser who ended up with a new girl in his bed each week, yet still flirted with her constantly. She couldn't imagine being his. She wasn't sure if she could trust him in a romantic sense. Yet, as a friend, he was great. He even shut down his normally goofy behaviour to spend genuine time with her and talk to her on a level much different than Sade but just as needed.

He was currently looking at her with hooded yet determined eyes, his hands firm in every sweep of his arms, in each grip of her waist. She couldn't lie and say he wasn't attractive but she just couldn't see them together. He knew exactly what he was doing, his movements smooth and concise; he was a talented dancer and impressive lead. They added their own little spin when it got to the improvisation part of the music and Aliana could feel his warm, shaky breath at the back of her neck as he brought her back to his front. She acted oblivious to his intentions and continued dancing. Xiomara suddenly cut off her thoughts.

"Very good guys! Brilliant work. We're going to keep going and change up the speed a bit. Remember to keep moving those hips and follow the moves of your partner. We are going to contin-" she was abruptly cut off as Danté grabbed her arm and whispered conspiratorially into her ear. When he was done, he looked directly at Aliana, his posture straightened and his arms crossed, causing the toned muscles to bulge slightly.

"We've got a little extra idea for you guys to make this session extra fun. The opportunity to alternate between the partners you have now and us, your instructors, so that you can get an idea of the change in pace from beginner to expert and see how much more fun bachata can be!" Xiomara seemed excited about the idea and one look Danté's way, Aliana not only knew that this was his idea but he had an obvious agenda that Xiomara was not aware of.

"This will be completely optional, so all those who want to participate go to the left side of the studio and everyone else will be continuing the routine as normal on the right. Carlos and Amayah will be on hand continuously showing you the moves and helping all that need it."

Aliana wasn't sure what to think. Another opportunity to dance with an expert was within her grasp but something told her there would be more to it in the end. Luckily for her, another quick break was called and Aliana went into the toilets to try to steady her increasingly beating heart as she felt those same eyes follow her. As she looked into the mirror, she noticed a few clumps of curls had fallen from her messy bun, framing her face haphazardly, her face was slightly flushed and her brown eyes in a misty state. She imagined what it would feel like to be wrapped up in Danté's arms, caught up in his crisp movements; she wondered if it would be similar to him.

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