Chapter 2 - New Normal

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She wanted to be alone.
That's what she always told people.

"I'm fine, I just need some time to myself."

Little did she realise that each extra second she spent in solitude encased the soulless, taunting whispers inside her head within an impenetrable wall that suffocated her.

Dissonant notes of unrest scourged what was left of her sanity, her happiness.

Now she was truly alone.


Alphonse St Riviere lies here.
Loving son, dutiful father, blessed brother.
May you be wrapped in eternal blessings by our Lord and Savior.

Nearly a year after graduating from MIT, on a full ride scholarship, Aliana's father succumbed to the lung cancer that was eating away at his body.

She remembers how her late grandmother used to berate him about how his pride will end up killing him; an apparent common grievance amongst Caribbean men.

It all started to make sense to her when she found out he was diagnosed during her second year of studying. He kept it to himself. Didn't tell family or friends about it. Didn't tell her; not until the day after her graduation ceremony.

"I didn't want to worry you. You had better things to focus on. You're the first in the family to get a degree, my daughter, the intelligent one, the diligent one. I'm so proud I got to see it."

She wanted to curse him for not telling her, but more so curse him for not getting the help he needed to treat it, especially after finding out the severity of his illness.

"Miss Riviere, your father has made us that he doesn't want treatment , but I implore you to talk to him so that he reconsiders. Due to the delay in treatment, the cancer has metastasised to the brain from his lungs, it is stage 4. We can still do a number of things to help prolong life expectancy..."

She remembers how the doctor went on to explain the next steps, but as she took a look at her dad sitting next to her, his Hazel eyes looking straight ahead into the bland nothingness of the hospital wall, she saw the fear he had, felt it.

She had reached over to hold his hand and squeezed it in reassurance. He squeezed back.

That was when she saw it.

The man she has known her whole life, raised her singlehandedly whilst living through constant hardship, stood sharp against the racist epithets of post-war Britain to make sure his one and only child was educated but most importantly loved, was almost unrecognisable.

She watched on in silent despair as a lone tear travelled down his weathered, weary dark skin.

The only other time she saw him cry was during her grandmother's funeral.

Now, nine months on from her nearly realising her dream, to look after and care for her father for the rest of his days, after landing the job that would enable her to do so, she was instead at his funeral, shedding her own lone tear, for the only man she had ever loved and the only one she will love in her lifetime.


"Come on Princess! We booked this just for you! 23 and still looking as fine as ever, let's start making sure you stay in tip-top shape for when you carry my babies..." Alejandro flirted unabashedly as usual, growling that last part into her ear, as Aliana was dragged towards the large, grey building, his strong, muscular arm wrapped tight around her waist.

It's never really bothered her as he does it with everyone; she made it quite clear earlier on when they met that she wasn't looking for a relationship and they've been strong as friends ever since.

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