Chapter 11 - A Smile to Brighten Your Day

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(A/N: Last one on Danny...for now)


Carefully manoeuvring himself through the other people milling about within the studio, Danté tried to follow close behind her but he lost sight of her momentarily at the split in the corridor.

Allowing his mind to see some sense, he realised she wouldn't have just left without her friends, who seemed to remain in the studio and were busy chatting away.

Exhausted by his own feelings, Danté leaned himself up against the wall, crossing his arms and allowing his head to droop down as he tried to calm his thoughts.

That's when he heard it.

The click of heels against the linoleum covered corridor floor.

He didn't know what came over him when she got closer and he pushed himself off the wall to enter her direct line of sight. He realised that this action could be perceived in an extremely negative way and just as he was about to step back and apologise, she spoke.

"Excuse me, I'm trying to get back into the studio."

The soft, shy lilt in her voice was one that haunted him in his dreams. It had the same effect it always had; his skin prickled with goosebumps and his eyes widened fractionally, which she didn't seem to notice as, unlike before, she was trying her hardest not to make eye contact with him.

When she attempted to side-step him after bearing the weight of his gaze longer than she felt comfortable with, he followed suit.

"Look, I don't know what your prob-"

He couldn't help himself. He moved closer to her and that's when he caught onto her scent. She seemed to do the same as he felt her body language shift and open up. Just as he was about to speak, a voice cut through the building tension between them.

"Ready to go back in baby?"


Danté stayed where he was, feeling her presence leave him before he had the chance to ask for her name...before he could do anything else he wanted to.

"Danté, ¡Apúrate!" he heard Xiomara shout for him.

As Danté followed the two in front of him back into the studio, he watched in annoyance as she went along with the man to the other side of the room, away from him.

He shot a look at Xiomara, who finally caught on to the reasoning behind his behaviour.

"Wait! You too!" he watched as she caught their attention and convinced them to join in with alternation added into the mix.

He got distracted by her yet again and almost missed the glint in Xiomara's eyes as she shot him a look. Danté felt his cheeks heating up unprovoked and by the small smile on the young woman's face, she was bearing witness to it. He averted his eyes immediately.

"Um...sure?" came the reply by the shorter man behind her.

Danté surprisingly held back a celebration of this affirmation and instead looked forward to being able to finally have her in his arms.


He watched impatiently as she danced with a few of the other attendees in the separated group. He had ended up with a few clingy women and one who kept stepping on his feet but he somehow managed to stay focused as he neared his goal.

The break in the music came and he watched enrapture yet again as she was spun into another set of arms.

His arms.

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