Chapter 8 - Temptation

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The clicking of her heels matched that of his shoes; they glided in sync, moving with precise movements in time to the beat.

She wrapped her arms around his neck for the next move, her muscle memory seemingly kicking in as her nails trailed the expanse of his lean neck, slowly across his nape and scraping his curly mane whilst she rolled her hips against his in time to the music.

He seemed to like it the last time, Aliana thought conspiratorially, wanting to see this seemingly stoic man lose control for once.

He grunted in response, the familiar sound lighting her up inside. Another spin and he was now guiding her hands into the next movements, leading them into the next steps. His steps were assured and clear. The clicking of her heels matched that of his shoes; they glided in sync, moving with precise movements in time to the beat.

He was a walking, dancing temptation she couldn't get enough of and she didn't want to.

Just as the music came to an end, she somehow ended up a hairsbreadth away from him, her right leg inched just across his left, his hand firmly gripping her thigh into place, his breath coming out in heaps as he once again scrutinised her face. This time, his eyes tattooing a promise, as he seemed to be trying to absorb her features, to ingrain them into his mind, as though it was something he had been waiting to do, and she did the same.

Their moment was once again disturbed by Xiomara's voice.

"Well done guys! I hope you enjoyed the class! We are now in the final stages and all that is left is to cool down. Let's get to it!" Xiomara announced with a beaming smile. She caught Aliana's eyes for a moment and her eyes seemed to shine with unabashed glee; then she went about orchestrating the cool-down. Aliana, still out of breath herself, looked back towards Danté, whose eyes were dilated and hooded. Yet, he also seemed less tense than he was before, a strange calm seemingly residing within him.

"Sorry handsome, need to steal my bestie back from you!" Sade said out of nowhere and dragged Aliana away from Danté. When Aliana looked back, all she saw was his broad back as he exited the studio. A part of her felt like it sunk suddenly but she tried to keep her calm in front of Sade who looked ready to burst at the seams.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do Missy...but after this cool-down, I know my legs are going to feel all of this tomorrow. Dame thought he was superman at one point and tried out a stupid lift that nearly broke my damn neck. Improvisations my back foot." Aliana burst out laughing at her friend's antics, not remembering the last time she felt so carefree and happy.


After the cool-down, everyone clapped for each other and the instructors, to thank them for the class. Danté was still incognito and Aliana was slightly embarrassed at how she acted with him.

"Thank you guys so much for being a pleasure to teach! I hope to see some of you at our social events, information on them will be available on the leaflets near the door. Thanks again guys!" Xiomara finished off, starting to tidy a few things up as others started to leave, many taking a leaflet at the door to the studio.

The group met up at the back of the studio, getting all their things together.

"That was so much fun guys!" Alenari near squealed, "Oh, this is Javier by the way, is it ok if he comes along to the club with us later?"

That's when Aliana recognised the guy Alenari had been making googly eyes with and also her partner for the class standing awkwardly off to the side of her.

"Considering I'm still not going to the club with you guys, as I said before, you can do as you like. Nice to meet you, Javier, I'm Aliana." Aliana replied, shaking his hand. After the introductions were done, Sade tried yet again to convince Aliana to spend the remaining hours of her birthday drinking the night away, and as she thought about it, the idea became more when she realised how wanton she probably came across towards Danté and had to squeeze her eyes at the second-hand embarrassment she got from the recent memory.

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