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𝐨𝐧𝐞 : a new arrival

jesse swan, previously stevens, had been living with the chief for about a decade now. she had started calling his 'dad' a couple of years after living with him once she started feeling comfortable enough around him.

reneé had long since left him, but bella still visited every summer for two weeks. it helped that jesse and bella sort of grew up together, otherwise there might have been animosity. both bella and jesse had always wished themselves to be sisters, so hearing that bella was coming to forks to live with her and charlie delighted her. . . just a little. it would be nice to have her around again.

i'd never given much thought to how i would die...

it had been a rainy morning when the swan residence received the news that bella was coming to live with them.

jesse had only seen bella two weeks a year every summer, before she stopped coming, but they got along well. bella had often told charlie that she was happy jesse was her sister, and always followed her like a little duckling.

the adopted swan was only a couple of months older than bella, so growing up their parents set up a lot of playdates, which might have helped build their relationship.

but dying in the place of someone i love seems like a good way to go. . .

now she was coming to stay for a while, so that her mother and stepfather could travel together for his work, or something.

it seemed strange to jesse that she had not come sooner, or at least visited more often, but she supposed forks wasn't for everyone.

. . .so i can't bring myself to regret the decision that brought me here to die. . .

and so, preparations started, to make bella feel more at home. jesse knew what it was like to have to leave your home and practically start over, so she didn't think there was much they could do to help her feel like this could be her new home.

. . .the decision to leave home.


nothing but deep, dark, green forests for miles. finding the eerily dramatic lake crescent. over it all hangs the mist from the ever-present cloudy grey sky. everything is wet and green and drenched in shade. a road, along which drives a police cruiser and from the passenger window bella looks out, taking in her gloomy new surroundings...

bella sits next to her uniformed father, police chief charlie swan, a man in his 40's. introverted like bella. their strained silence contrasts bella's relationship with her mother. 'your hair's longer.' the girl's father broke the awkward silence. 'i cut it since last time i saw you.' she responded, which did not help the tension in the car. 'guess it grew out again.' she just nods.

silence. . .

a throat cleared, 'so, how's your mom?' somehow bringing two socially inept people together was never a promising idea. regardless the conversation, if you could even call it that, continued. 'good.' more silence. yikes. they pass a sign: "the city of forks welcomes you - pop. 3246." bella sighs.

the cruiser drives through, bella takes in this logging town - every storefront has a wood carving. the timber museum's sign is two loggers sawing a stump. the police station is a small wooden building across from city hall.


the cruiser pulls up to the old two-story house. a woodshed full of firewood. there's a small boat in the garage, fishing gear, an old buoy. bella climbs out. . . home. out came jesse, at the sound of the car she figured her dad had come home with the new arrival. 'hey dad' as she walked toward the cruiser, 'how was the ride?' small talk, seemed like a good idea before she was to greet her sister. 'it was good, baby, no traffic.' suppose he was thankful for the change of conversation.

she then proceeds to turn to the second person who had also just arrived. 'bella, it is good to see you.' jesse nodded at the swan girl, avoiding hugging her, since that seemed like a weird thing to do after not having seen each other for so long. 'hey jesse, you too.' said girl seemed to shrink into herself, though thankful that she didn't try to hug her, or anything like that.

jesse nodded and helped charlie carry in her bags. the house isn't stylish (the only new thing here is a flat screen t.v.), but it's comfortable, lived-in. lots of fishing memorabilia; photos of charlie fishing with billy black. handmade cards to "daddy" and ''charlie'' or ''dad'' and photos of bella and jesse, both together and separately. a bunch of pictures of charlie and jesse during christmas, birthdays, and other things.

jesse watches as bella winces at herself, age 7, in a tutu, sitting stubbornly on the ground. 'i put grandpa's old desk in your room.' charlie addressed his daughter, 'and i cleared some shelves in the bathroom.' this did not seem to please bella. 'that's right. one bathroom.' she grimaced. 'we can't all afford to be so picky.' jesse muttered under her breath. it just seemed a little ungrateful of the other girl, at least charlie was willing to take her in.

bella's eye lands on a photo of a much younger charlie and reneé, on vacation, beaming with love. jesse had asked why he had kept those pictures when she had settled in herself. 'no matter how bad it ended, the good memories are worth remembering.' he had said, though jesse though he was hoping reneé would change her mind and come back.

'i'll just put these up in your room' charlie was followed by bella'- i can do it.' they both reach for the bags, bumping one another awkwardly. bella backs off, letting charlie carry the bags upstairs.

when charlie came back down, jesse couldn't help but snort at the expression on his face. 'well. . . that was awkward, no?' just to mess with his head, because she was a petty little shit. 'ha ha' he deadpanned. 'oh, and billy called, they'll be here soon.' with that, jesse left her father to his thoughts.


a faded red truck, circa 1960pulls up. bella exits to find charlie and jesse greeting the driver, jacob black, 16, amiable with long black hair, and hints of childish roundness in his face. the men help jacob's father, billy black (from the photos), into a wheelchair. then they noticed the other addition, 'bella, you remember billy black. 'charlie pointed to the man in a cowboy hat. 'glad you're finally here. charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming.' 'keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill.' the man was embarrassed, how adorable. was he blushing? 'right after i ram you in the ankles.' billy takes several rolls at charlie, who dodges.

jacob shakes his head at their two fathers as he shyly approaches bella, jesse rolled her eyes. 'i'm Jacob. we made mud pies together when we were little kids.' truly, it was sad how puppy-like he got around the older girl. 'yeah. . . i think i remember. 'ever clueless, bella changed the subject, 'are they always like this?' jesse chuckled, 'it's getting worse with old age.'

charlie then pats the hood of the truck, breaking the three out of their conversation, addressing bella. 'so, what do you think of your homecoming gift?' he looked quite proud of himself. 'no way. 'bella was in disbelieve, 'the truck is for me?' it was a good gift, though jesse had her own car. 'just bought it off billy, here.' well, that much was obvious. 'i rebuilt the engine and-'jacob was quickly interrupted, '-it's perfect!' she beams. It's the first genuine smile that could be seen on her. she rushes to the truck. jacob eagerly joins her, a little too eager.

'okay, so you gotta double pump the clutch when you shift, but-' he hands her the keys as she climbs in. 'maybe i can give you a ride to school.' well, give him hope, why don't you. 'i go to school on the reservation.' he sounded a little distraught. 'too bad. would've been nice to know at least one person.' rude. 'well, what am i?' jesse jokingly tried to look upset. 'chopped liver.'

soon they all found themselves inside, watching some random match that was on tv and eating their dinner together. it may or may not come as a surprise, but jesse can in fact cook; despite going to the diner with charlie so often, it was also not her favorite thing to do.

the rest of the afternoon/evening was spend catching up with bella and trying to keep jacob from hogging her sister too much. he didn't have to live with her for the coming years, she did. jesse soon said goodnight, as did bella, after billy and jacob left. they had school soon rest was required.

𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝗳, twilightWhere stories live. Discover now