chapter 2

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The week flies by and I find myself ransacking my cupboard for something to wear to my cousins party ...
After hours of searching I finally find a black dress that comes just a few inches above my knees and I pair them with black pump heels ...
Getting done takes a while as I listen to my fav playlist and hop around the room looking all kinds of crazy ...
I'm the thrown with a shoe on the head as my brother asks am I done yet ...
The party started at 6 but we only left home at 7:30pm ...
My tia honey, called five times already shouting about how awfully delayed I am ...
After apologizing a million times she finally smiled as we walked in ...
Greeting every one goes well and when I finally take a seat I'm relieved because my feet ache so badly in these heels ...
At 8:30 food and drinks are served ...
Just as I'm about to finish up washing my hands these twins walk in and I am stunned ...
They greet every one casually and I'm surprised that every one except me knows them...
Coming back to reality after day dreaming and crushing hard ...
I decide I am going to act normal and enjoy myself ...
After while of socializing ...
My tia decides to pull me to the dance floor ...
After I begged her not to ...
But dancing with her is one of my favorite things in the world ...
So being the crazy person I am I decide to dance with her not taking note that both boys are watching me very intently  ...
After a couple more songs I complain about my feet and I go to the car to get my ughzzz out ...
Once I'm comfy , I start moving back inside when I'm caught by the arm and pulled to a secluded corner ...
Scared out of my mind as a reaction I slap the person across the face only after that did I actually look up only to find a very stunned handsome looking idiot ...
Next thing I know I'm pinned against the wall being kissed hard ...
A whimper left my mouth ...
And he smirked ...
I almost slapped him again ...
But I refrained and as he let go ...
I wobbled a bit before standing up straight and walked right past him as he smiled with a naughty knowing twinkle in his eye ...
Bloody hell why does he have to be so good looking ...
All flushed I walk back into the party and my tia gives me a quizzical look that I ignore ...
After dancing and enjoying the party a few people get ready to leave and the twins were too ... So I rush out to the youngest and ask for his brothers number or Facebook name ... I'm not gonna mention any names so I'll call them twin 1 and 2
So twin 2 says his name is Reece Romano and with that walks away ...
So I get home finally after helping my tia clean up and head straight for the shower ... I jump on my bed in all my glory and just relax ... I log into my Facebook account and search for a Reece Romano and there he was with his beautiful self ... I click on the friend request button as I dose off to sleep ... I wake up in a shock because I heard the stupid dog barking ... And I search for my phone to scan my room for any intruders and when I check my phone for the time a notification pops up and it's from Reece ...
Heart pounding against my chest I open the messages and reply with shaky fingers ...
Reece : hey , took u long enough .
M@rni : cocky much .
Reece : only with girls I'm attracted to.
M@rni: so u attracted to me huh .
(Stupid , stupid . Falling for cheesy pick up lines .)
Reece : maybe ...
(Snap out of it M@rni )
M@rni : cut to the chase Reece , wat do u want .
Reece : for you little miss sassy to come out with me Saturday night .
M@rni : and what exactly would I get from going out with u .
Reece : a fun time ...
M@rni :  I'll think about it.
Good night Reece.
Reece : good night, sweet chicks

When I wake up in the morning I'm grouchy as ever ...
I do my morning routine and dragging my self down stairs to get some caffeine ...
I'm out the door and my walk to school is forever... When I get to my friends I slump down and every one looks at me like I'm a retard as I'm the loud one ...
Ignoring my negative energy , they continue their convo .
With an eye role I turn away , (I didn't ask to wake up this morning, I was forced ... Okay )
The day drags and when I finally get home I slouch into my bed and complete my homework ...
Dinner time I was practically dying for food ...
Sitting by the table with the fam ...
I make a joke about how I wanna get kidnapped by a sexy hot Italian mafia don ...
(Little did I know ) ...
The week consisted of late nights and early mornings by the time Friday came all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep away my weekend ...
But as you know life had different plans ... A text pops up on my screen... looking at the number quizzically... I don't know this number, I think to myself with my tongue peeking out from the corner of my mouth with my head tilted ... I don't know why I do it but I do it with out really knowing it... I  look at the screen for a while contemplating and then my phone rings with the same number looking back at me on the screen ... Answering with the intention of making this person think they have the wrong number... here goes nothing... lol

Hi you've reached may's mortuary services you stab em' we bag em' how may I help you today... the person on the other side is quiet for a while and then there's two sets of laughs heard and my breathing stops ... it's them... ohhh why did I have to be my usual self and answer that way... their laughter dies down and once they've caught their breath ... twin 2 speaks up and my heart rate picks  up with every word he says ... trying to control my breathing ... I respond in a sassy tone... I'm glad I can be of entertainment to you both ... but if I don't get any explanation as to where you got my number and what it is you want I'm cutting the call... Okay, okay. I just wanted to let you know we still on for tomorrow ... says Reece and by the way Royce will be joining us... Royce??? I ask... Yeah my brother says Reece  ... Oh silly me sure, Although I didn't know you needed your hand to be held to go on a date with me... I say sounding ever so serious... He chuckles and says wear something formal and be ready by 7:00PM ... Sweet dreams bambola ... and the phone goes dead... He did not just call me a doll in Italian ... wait he speaks Italian damn that accent, how did I not pick it up in the beginning ... I'll definitely be asking a few questions tomorrow... after finishing my home work I dose off watching tik toks...

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