2.0 colored bears

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Zayn, Niall, and Louis sit at the table in the break room of Carol's Models as Zayn opens his bag of gummy bears.

"Why do you even do that?" Niall asks him when he starts sorting them by color.

"Dunno." he shrugs.

"Um, hi guys." a voice says and all three boys look up to see Liam shyly smiling down at them, "Could I sit here?" he asks and Zayn is more than very embarrassed when he says 'yes' a little too quickly.

"I mean, yeah. Of course."

"Smooth," Louis whispers from beside him.

"Thanks." Liam gives a short nod and sits next to Niall, across from Louis and Zayn.

There's an awkward silence for a while because Louis is busy on his phone (probably texting Harry), Niall's got a devilish grin on his face as he stares at Zayn, Liam is chewing on his lip and staring at his drink, and Zayn is trying to refrain from pouncing on Liam because he is biting his damn lip.

"So," Niall says loudly, making everyone at the table jump, "what brought ya over here Liam? Where do you usually sit?"

"Well," Liam licks his lips (and Zayn was definitely not mesmorized by that), "I usually go out somewhere for lunch, but I thought I'd try something new. And Z- you all seem like nice people so..."

Zayn blanches.

Did Liam just almost say his name?

"Or was it just Zayn's good looks?" Louis teases.

Now it's Liam's turn to blanch, "Erm no- I mean, not that you're not attractive, Zayn. Not in that- I don't mean it that way but, - I'm just saying that I'm not saying you're ugly it's- like um. Yeah. That's not why I came over here."

Liam's face is colored red everywhere and Zayn can't help but feel bad for him.

"Guys, leave the poor guy alone."

"Atleast he thinks you're attractive." Louis points out, "Now you know you're not ugly."

"So, Liam," Zayn rolls his eyes when Niall starts talking yet again, "You seein' anyone?"

Zayn just continues to sort his bag of gummy bears, ignoring the interrogation... slightly.

"No, actually."

"Mmm, but you do have your eye on someone, right? After all you work at a place surrounded by models."

Liam blushes, "I haven't really spoken to anyone so I'm not sure."

"Done!" Zayn exclaims happily.

"Well don't go after Zayn," Niall warns, "he likes to sort gummy bears. It's quite weird."

Zayn sticks out his tongue like a child.

"I dunno," Liam mumbles, "weird's nice."

"Here Liam, you get a colored bear," Zayn hands him a green one, "only because you're just so sweet and nice."

At that, Liam just smiles.

• • •

chapter 2 bc im bored

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