Chapter 4: Mission

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Far away from Aliva, deep in the mountains at the outskirts of the city walls, there lived a somber alien, with a personality as dark and cold as his ruthless soul. He took no pleasure in being on Earth. It was the place in the galaxy he hated the most, and there were few places in the galaxy he had not visited through his years as a General for the Arcturium Army. For years he served as the top General for Arcturium alongside his father and held the title of Dark Overlord.

But, that was all in the past. At present, though his title remained on Earth, he could not return home until his mission was accomplished: destroy the Earthlings forever, and bring the sweet victory to Arcturium that was robbed from them almost 200 years ago.

This alien was well over six feet tall, with a skeletal frame and sharp features. An anomaly for his family, he had dark blue hair that he often shaved off to the sides, purposefully aging him to look wiser beyond his years. His face was pale, flat, and haggard, with bright red-colored eyes over pitch-black scleras and pointed ears. His lips were so thin and white that they were unnoticeable, if not for red-tinted fang-shaped teeth. This contrasted his prominent and regal cheekbones, which also made up for his lack of a human-shaped nose. He always carried himself proudly with his head held up high and his well-built chest always puffed out to indicate defiance over his existence. Not a day went by where he didn't wear his suit of protective gear, even under his human clothing when necessary. No one on Earth ever saw him without it, not even his associates.

However, his body was not as strong as it used to be. Every day spent on Earth drained him of his strength, and his mission forbade him from returning to his family's power source until he was successful. There were ways around this inconvenience that he used to remain alive, but they all felt like torture to him. On the one hand, he could visit his brother who was the only other alien of their race on Earth, or he could reproduce and breed more of their race to benefit from the mass resonance.

Both required contact with repulsive beings; family and Earthlings. Some days he thought his father sent him to Earth as a punishment or as some sort of a twisted lesson. He always thought there couldn't be anything worse, but he was known to push the limits of his patience to the extreme until he cracked. The cracking point wasn't very hard to reach; it was an eggshell type of crack on most days.

Except when it came to animals. He had the utmost patience for animals.

This alien's name was Opaleian, and he was having a bad, bad day; because today was going to be his wedding day.

He growled and rubbed his temples with as much pressure as his bony fingers allowed.

"Once more," he said to his associates Gai and Boye. "Repeat the plan back to me once more."

"We go in —"

"Grab 'er —"

"Blindfold her —"

"Tie 'er up —"

"And return"

"We put her in the spare room, take her to you and the preacher and BOOM!"

"Wedding tiiime!"

They both imitated trumpet sounds and they jumped around in song. When they looked at Opaleain's closed eyes and snarl, they stopped and retreated back to their briefing modes.

Gai cleared their throat and proceeded. "We best be off, my Lord."

"Yes. Do."

Opaleian disappeared further into the darkness of his lair as they turned to leave. Gai stopped at the door entrance. "Is there anything else you may require before the ceremony tonight?"

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