Chapter 12: Sticky Situation

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Evian and Tobias watched nervously from their car parked across the street from the Smellies' as a series of vehicles pulled up. They slouched into the seats when they heard troops pass by, distinguishable by the loud radio chatter.

Little pearls of sweat formed on Tobias' forehead. "This wasn't the adventure I envisioned..."

"There is something seriously wrong going on with them, and we need to get to the bottom of it."

"Why do we need to get to the bottom of it? Shouldn't that be the responsibility of the troops?"

"Ugh, you're such a buzzkill. Fine, I'll investigate myself," she said exiting the vehicle with a cap covering her eyes and dark-rimmed glasses.

"What are you doing with the disguise??" Tobias whispered. "No one will say anything if you just ring the doorbell!"

"Are you kidding? Have you seen the troop gang hanging around? I don't want to deal with those bureaucrats right now, it's way too late for that."

"If anything it's too early to go to jail..." he groaned and took out his disguise from the compartment in the vehicle and followed her out. "But, when the time comes I will sacrifice myself for you my prin—"

She put her hand over his mouth. "Nope. No theatrical chivalry speeches right now. We have a mission."

They snuck around the rows of parked vehicles in the streets as they scanned the license plates for ID information in order to narrow down what kind of troops were inside. There were was one security vehicle, one for domestic investigation, and one for...intergalactic diplomats. Just like her father.

Evian pondered over what kind of problem Bella and Valeria could have possibly gotten into that the state would issue a diplomat to join an investigation. When and if they got involved in domestic affairs, it was only for life and death scenarios. She realized that since Maurice worked in government, they were probably just taking extra precautions to deal with whatever this was, but bringing an intergalactic diplomat was a risky affair. It was almost as bad as getting the Aliva government involved.

This meant either one of two things in Evian's mind:

1. Valeria finally did the thing (the group's code word for asking Bella to carry Ryu protection, which would make her part of the clan AKA make their relationship bound for life in the clan's eyes) but they didn't follow protocol because it's the dummy duo - this was likely.

2. Valeria just did something really stupid...again. Like hiding Zathrian with a tennis ball or a pie.

The sneaky duo crouched and walked around the house, carefully making sure not to step on any of Bella's flowers as they entered through the garden. Tobias got on all fours and shuffled through the grass as they made their way to the back door. He made a series of signal hand gestures to Evian.

"I'm right next to you!" she whispered. "Just talk!"

"They may hear us," he said in a normal tone.

"Shhh just whisper!" she exclaimed covering his mouth. As she turned to face him, she noticed something green, gooey, and sticky at the bottom of the house's backdoor. Evian pointed to it and they both stared for a while.

"What is that?"

"I don't know but it looks gross. Do you have anything we could use to take a sample?"

Tobias emptied his pockets but didn't find anything. He looked around in frustration but then his eyes lingered on something before he smiled and winked at Evian, pointing to the flowers. Evian froze in horror.

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