Chapter 13: Identity Crisis

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The warm midnight air hung heavily over Aliva, but the outskirts were crisp and cool as a pod carrying two small bodies, one human and one alien, sped up the mountain at an extreme velocity. There was a dirt road without much illumination at the base of the mountain, and as the summit came into view, the road grew so dark and foggy that even the headlights were of little use. When they reached the halfway point up through the mist, a low bell sound reverberated in the pod. Boye pressed a button on the steering wheel causing a map to come into view on the dashboard.

Becca's eyes grew wide and her finger instinctively reached up to touch on one of the many dots flashing on the map, but Boye turned off the map before she could touch it.

"Sorry but we're running late, and if you press anything it'll jet us straight to wherever you point your finger and I just can't risk getting hit over the head with a clipboard or wrench," Boye said and realized he probably shouldn't have shared that detail of his workplace. "Um. Not that that happens often...The boss just hates it when people are late."

"Fine," Becca responded with a sigh and a pout that made her cheeks double in size like a chipmunk.

The pout remained as the pod stopped near a large rock fixture, moved aside after Boye pressed a button on the pod's steering wheel, and pulled it into a garage with at least half a dozen other pods, motorcycles, and even a small flying contraption.

"Don't tell me you're going to keep that face when I introduce you to the master!"

"I'll keep it for as long as I want."

"No no no you have to look your best!"


"Well, Gai told me that's what humans do for their unions —" he said before quickly covering his mouth and yelping. His heart quickened in fear and he cowered into his seat, expecting to see her yell or run out of the pod. To his surprise, she only looked puzzled.

"Huh, a labor union meeting on the first day? That's pretty European, but sounds cool," she said and hopped out of the vehicle with Emily between her arms.

Boye jumped out in turn and grabbed all of her stuff quickly before leading them down a long and dimly lit corridor. A few robots whizzed by as Boye explained details about the evening in the most cryptic way possible.

"You'll just need to change into something a little...fresher. And then we'll go in for the's really more of an introduction, nothing too formal. Just a little formal. But anyway the boss'll be there and he'll be so excited to finally meet you. We just need to get through this little bit and then you're free as a bird and you can explore as much as you —" he cut himself off when he turned around and noticed she was gone. "Oh no."

With a loud thud that echoed down the hallway, he dropped all of the belongings he was carrying over his shoulders and retraced his steps with a jog. As he made his way back the way he came, he noticed a strand of purple hair laying on the floor in the corner of another hallway entrance that led to a large staircase. The staircase to the West Wing.

"Oh no no no," he exclaimed and quickened his pace, then fell to the ground on his belly and slid to grab the little strand of hair before it disappeared. He felt a tug and stopped her as she raised her foot to the first step of the staircase. "No no no. Not the West Wing!"

"But you said I could explore anywhere I wanted!" Becca exclaimed, followed by a bark of agreement from Emily. "I don't have my scanner on me but I get a gut feeling that there's something dark, mysterious and terrible this way. And I wanna seeeee ittttt!"

Boye stood and led her away quickly by the strap of her overalls. "Nope. You can go anywhere you'd like, except for the West Wing."

"But what's there?! What is it? Can't you give me a clue? Oh I know! I'll guess, and you tell me if I'm warm or cold."

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