Chapter 11: Multi(pie)ing

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Bella and Valeria pulled up into the multi-pie place they frequented since their early college days, called "Belzoni's." The restaurant was located a few blocks away from the main campus, next to the Aliva League. It was well-lit, with a large open patio area and neon signs with booths inside. The restaurant was filled with pictures from its early days, even before Integration was normalized a hundred years ago. In many ways, it was a historic site and was one of the first places to openly serve aliens and humans together through the leadership of their owner, Reverend George Lee.

The history interested some, but many just came for their famous variants of pies, including pizzas. Valeria stared at the pizzas in the display case with eager eyes and a rumbling stomach.

"Let's get one of each," she said with glittering eyes and drool practically falling off her tongue.

"How about we get two full ones and you pick?" Bella offered with a giggle.

They ordered and walked back to the front as they waited for their buzzer to go off. Valeria slumped in a seat by the front windows and took out her phone to play a game. Bella checked for any messages and rested her head on Valeria's shoulder. With every minute that passed, Valeria's legs bounced more and more in impatience. Bella looked up at her with pursed lips.

"Heading off to the races, space cowgirl?"

"No but I'm this close to breaking into the League and stealing a horse for a snack," she said without a sliver of humor. Bella's eyes widened in horror and Valeria had to poke her in the middle of her forehead to snap her out of her trance. "Joking, Bells."

"I wouldn't put it past you," Bella chuckled re-positioning herself snugly on Valeria's shoulder.

"That makes two of us," Valeria said looking up from her phone after clearing a level and taking in the restaurant clientele. "Looks busy today. Guess everyone decided to party after the early release."

Bella sighed. "I guess I'm glad people can rest and relax."

"That makes one of us. Seems hypocritical if you ask me...I mean what if there really was a threat? Would people just ignore it and go on with their League shit and keep on socializing?"

"I'm sure if there was a real threat they would all come together," Bella said with optimism. "Besides, no way we can know for sure until it really happens. No sense speaking ill of people unnecessarily, it will just stress you out."

"I'm not bad-mouthing anyone!" Valeria retorted. "Just telling the truth."

"Val, you're being a lemon. If you keep being so sour all your sweetness will go away," Bella joked kissing her cheek.

"You're sweet enough for the both of us," Valeria winked.

"I made that one too easy for you," Bella said with a giggle as her cheeks flushed.

Valeria smiled and put her arm around Bella, then continued to look around the booths, only to see very familiar heads popping up from one near the patio seating area. It was a shiny young woman sipping on a soda, and mustachioed young man making overly exaggerated gestures as he spoke. Valeria grinned and stood up, taking Bella by the hand as she led her through the tables. A stunned Bella followed, and just as she was about to ask her what the meaning of this sudden movement was, she caught sight of Evian and Tobias.

"Didn't expect to see you two here," Bella said with a smile as they sat down to wait. Valeria cozied herself up next to Evian and gave her playful goo-goo eyes.

Evian groaned and looked at Bella, refusing to acknowledge Valeria. "Bells, no judgment...that's a lie, maybe a little judgment, but seriously why do you even keep her around? "

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