Chapter 2: Rover

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The sisters pulled up to the campus with a loud screech and the smell of burnt rubber wafting in the air. Bella was hanging onto the car's roof handle when Becca made an abrupt skid into a parking spot. She took some deep breaths to re-situate the food in her stomach before exiting the vehicle, pushing back the urge to kiss the ground.

"That was amazing!" Becca said. "I think I'm really getting the hang of this."

"You—you parked perfectly," Bella said hiding her face. "Let's head to class?"

"Yes yes yes!"

They walked to the middle of Healy Rotunda, where students congregated all around a circular hall with multiple powered staircases and tv screens listing announcements and designated classrooms. As busy as it was, multiple people who saw the sisters stopped in their tracks.

A few who knew Bella, little as they may, approached to catch up after summer break. She smiled and talked a bit with them before turning around and making her way to the announcement board, where she saw Becca hanging out and pulling a plug out of.

Bella grabbed her hand. "What were you doing?"

"Nothing! Who was that?"

"Oh I don't know," she said laughing. "They said I TAed them but I honestly don't remember them."

Becca shrugged and they approached the main announcement board, deeper into the rotunda where the crowds were really gathering and dispersing into different areas of campus. The campus was divided into academic study areas, and each electric staircase led the students to their designated area. All they needed to access each staircase, and the subsequent levels, was their student ID that would list their permissions. First years, like Becca, were only allowed to their registered class levels and study areas. Bella, who was in her fifth and final year of school and also had an academic badge associated to her ID, could travel around campus more liberally.

Even among the flood of people rushing around, the sisters really stood out. Becca's long purple hair, tiny stature, and distracted appearance made people turn their heads in confusion, especially when contrasted to Bella. Her long blonde and wavy hair studded with decorative flowers caught the eyes of students and teachers alike. Her lean legs were shown off by a long and flowing dress cut open at the sides that moved delicately with every step. Becca followed close behind with her face in her phone, her floor-length pigtails moving at the same rhythm as her sister's dress.

When she lifted her head, she was amazed to see the number of people all around her.

"Wooooow! This is the absolute most perfect place for a social experiment-" she said walking a few steps away and approaching a random staircase to try and get a better view.

Bella pulled her back. "Nuh-uh, you're staying next to me. Throw me a bone and wait until the second day to get lost?"

"Right, right!" she exclaimed pulling up an intricate 3D model map of the school on her phone.

"Where did you get that?!"

"We're looking for room 401A lecture hall, located on Stairway 4 in the Southern quadrant of campus outside of Healy. Nearby facilities include bathrooms approximately 20 feet away and two vending machines down the hall. One containing carbonated drinks and another with energy bars and-" she looked at her phone. "Cup noodles? What's that?"

"The blood, sweat, and tears of a college student," she said with a smirk. Becca looked at her in confusion. "It's a joke, Bec."

Becca's expression was blank, but she forced a maniacal laugh - her traditional social tactic in awkward circumstances.

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