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Three weeks later

Michael finally told me what's going on. The band has had a break... and they're going on tour. In two weeks. They're flying out to London for a month to do some song writing, then they'll tour England, Ireland, France, Germany and Spain in a week before flying out to America.

They don't really know how long it will take there. They're doing a total of 55 cities so they're estimating it take about two and a half months. By the time they get back, I'll be about ready to pop.

Anna and Ashton's girlfriend Emily are going with them while they're in Europe. It was a tough decision and Anna wanted to stay with me but I told her she should go. It may be her only chance to see outside Australia.

"Lily bell, are you sure you want me to go? It's not too late to change plans." Anna reminded me. "I know. But you have to. It's a once in a life time thing. I know I'd want to go so... go for me." I assured her. She sighed. "Alright then. Will you help me pack?" She asked. I laughed. "You're not leaving for another two weeks! Chill out."

"You're right. Sorry. Shouldn't you be getting ready for work anyways?" She pointed out. "Probably."

I changed for work and Anna walked me there. "What time does your shift end?" Anna asked before leaving. "Ten. You coming?" She nodded. "Definitely. I don't trust you walking home by yourself anymore, especially after dark." She admitted. "Anna, what could happen?" I asked. "You could be kidnapped, jumped, raped, killed. You could die and so could that baby." She hissed. I rolled my eyes. "Okay whatever makes you comfortable."

She huffed and turned on her heel. "I'll be back."

Eight hours later, Anna and Candice walked in together. "You almost done?" Anna asked. "Yep. Just have to wait for Keaton to get here." I replied.

Once my replacement arrived, I joined my friends at the corner table.

"Not that I'm not glad to see you, but why are you here?" I asked Candy. "Anna wanted to discuss something with the both of us." She replied. "What?"

"I think... that while I'm gone Candice should stay with you. Because I just have a really bad feeling about this." Anna explained. I crossed my arms. "Not that I'm against my friend spending time with me but I think this is a little ridiculous." I scoffed. "She has a point." Candice agreed. "How is it ridiculous?" Anna asked. I leaned forward. "I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." I hissed.

"If you weren't in such delicate condition, I'd agree." Anna replied smoothly. "Whatever. I'll stay with her, if she agrees." Candice said. She gave me a sympathetic look. "I... it doesn't matter. I don't need protecting. I appreciate your concern but really." I said. Anna glared at me. "Please Lily. It would make me feel so much better to know you're not alone when I'm so far away." She whispered. I groaned. "Fine! You make me feel like such a baby sometimes." I whined.

"Good. Sometimes you need it. Now lets go." Anna said, standing up. We walked back to the flat. Candy decided to just stay on the couch tonight because she didn't like walking home alone at night.

I woke up to Anna off at work and a note saying Candice had gone home. I'm surprised they left me alone.

I showered and made myself some breakfast, watching The Perks Of Being A Wallflower in the lounge room while eating.

From Baby Daddy:

Can I come over?

To Baby Daddy:

Please do

Once Michael arrived, we sat on the couch together, scrolling through things on Netflix. I had my legs in his lap and my head in his shoulder. One of his arms was wrapped around my shoulders and playing with my hair, the other hand was placed gently on my stomach.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered. I smiled and snuggled deeper into him. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Anything." He replied. "Why did you talk to me, that night? You could've had any other girl. But you chose me"

"Because I saw something that I liked." He said simply. "What do you mean?" I asked. He laughed softly. "Your eyes. They're captivating. I hope our daughter has your eyes." He said softly.

I intertwined my fingers with his and rested them on my stomach.

"I don't want you to leave." I whispered. He stiffened. "I know, baby. But I have to." He explained. "Yeah. But what if something happens while you're gone?" I asked. "Then I'll come right home." He responded.

"I don't... don't do that. This is your chance to shine. Don't ruin it for me." I said sternly. He sighed. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He squeaked.

We stayed like that for a long time. Close. Silent. It was perfect. I wish we could've stayed like that forever. But unfortunately, Luke had other ideas.

He wanted to take me shopping before he left. I swear him and Ashton are more excited for this baby than Michael and I are.

We pulled up at 'Babies R Us' and I gave Luke a weird look. "What?" He asked. "Really Lucas? You pulled me away from my boyfriend for this?" I complained. "Yup. Come on, let's go!" He squealed. He got out of the car and sprinted down the car park, kicking his feet up in front of him as he went.

I watched, holding back laughter. "You're going to get hit by a car!" I yelled after him. He stopped and turned around to face me. "So? It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt. Then it's hilarious." He pointed out. I shook my head. "Sometimes I question your sanity."

We walked into the baby store. Well more like I walked and Luke pranced. There were couples all around us. Some had babies in those little carrier things and others were in strollers. But mostly it was just really pregnant women and their scared to death looking partners.

"What kind of stuff do babies need?" Luke asked. I shrugged. "Clothes. Bottles, diapers, a crib. Umm... maybe formula." I suggested. He cocked his head. "What's that?" He asked. "Formula? It's food." I said. "Why would she need that? I thought mothers do that." He mumbled, blushing. "They do... most of the time. Unless the mother is unable." I said slowly. "Unable? What do you mean?" He demanded.

"Oh my god Luke. Didn't you learn anything in health class? Sometimes, it's not very common, but it's possible, the mother dies during child birth. Or, some are just unable to produce... milk." I explained. He was bright red now.

"Oh. You're not going to die though." He said uneasily. I face palmed. "Never mind. Forget it."

We walked down the diaper aisle, looking at all the boxes filled with baby poop catchers. "What kind should we get?" Luke asked. "Uh... I dunno. Just choose." I suggested.

He grabbed a box that said 'new born' on the side and threw it into the cart. We then moved on to the clothing section.

"Awwwwwww! Look at this! It's sooooo cute!" Luke cooed. He was holding up a pink onesie with a penguin on it and it said 'if you think I'm cute, you should see my uncle'. I busted out laughing. "What? What's so funny?" He demanded. "Nothing. That's just totally you."

We ended up buying one pack of 65 diapers, five pink onesies, five yellow onesies, five green ones and two blue, ten bottles, ten sippy cups, a portable crib and two containers of formula powder.

"Thank you for everything." I said, once we were in the car and driving. Luke insisted on paying for everything en though I had brought money. "No problem. As long as the first thing she wears is that adorable penguin onesie." He said. I laughed and nodded.

He dropped me off at home and helped me get everything into my room.

Michael had fallen asleep on the couch so I snuggled up next to him and fell asleep as well.

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