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Two weeks later

"I am gonna miss you so much." Anna practically sobbed. "Anna, you'll be gone for four weeks. I'll be fine. Candice has got my back." I assured her. She nodded and let me go from her bear hug.

I then moved on to Ashton who gave me a hug to, rubbed my belly and told me to update him every day.

Luke and Calum squashed me on a double sided hug, showering me with 'I'll miss you's and 'don't give birth till we get back's. Michael intertwined out fingers and rested his forehead on mine.

"Take care of yourself, okay? I love you and I'll be back as soon as I can." He told me. I nodded, tears slipping out of my eyes and down my face. "Hey, hey. Don't cry. I'm gonna miss you so much." He whispered. "I love you. Call me when you land, okay?" I asked. "Of course." He kneeled down and kissed my stomach, rubbing it. "Bye baby girl. Daddy'll be back soon."

I stood up and gave me one last kiss.

Candice and I stood close together as Anna, Michael, Luke, Calum, Ashton and Emily boarded the plane together.

I started to cry again as soon as they were out of sight. "Hey, you're going to be just fine. I'm here." Candice assured me. She squeezed my hand and pulled me away. "Let's go get something to eat or whatever." She suggested.

An hour later, we were seated at my favourite restaurant, eating macaroni and cheese.

After, we went back to mine and Anna's flat and parted our separate ways. Anna said it was okay for Candy to sleep in her room while she was away because most of her stuff was with her anyway and she trusted her.

I went into my room and went on my laptop. I hadn't been on twitter in so long! I almost peed myself when I saw that I had gained 24k followers... how did that happen?

I had loads of private messages to.

Most of them said something like 'are you really dating Michael' or 'is it true that you're pregnant'. Some of them were a little scary. Like one girl, presumably a fan of Mikey's said "I swear if those baby rumours are true I'll find u and kill u!" I reported and blocked them, deleted the message and put my profile on private.

I replied to some of the sweet messages, having cautious small talk with my boyfriend's admirers. Some of them were really nice! Unfortunately, others were total bitches.

After a while, I closed my laptop and took a nap.

Candice ordered pizza for dinner and we watched PLL together for a while.

Michael called me around 2am.

"Hello?" I asked groggily. "Hey." He greeted me, breathless. "Why the hell are you calling at this hour?" I demanded. "Huh? You told me to call when we landed... oh shit sorry!" He squealed. "It's only 3pm here! It's gotta be like midnight there, right?" He asked. "Try 2 in the morning." I mumbled. "Oh... sorry babe. You should probably go back to sleep." He said. "Okay. Thanks for calling me though. It's good to hear your voice." I whispered. "I miss you." He whispered. "I know. I miss you to. Text me at a more reasonable hour. Like in six hours." I suggested. "Okay. I can do that." He said. "Goodbye Michael." "Bye."

I set my phone back down and closed my eyes. No matter how hard I tried, I could not go back to sleep! God damn.

Finally, around 5am I dozed off but kept waking up every half hour. Around 8 I just gave up and went into the lounge room to watch tv.

I waited and waited for him to text me. 8 am passed. And then 9. After 10 I just assumed he'd forgotten because it was getting late over there. Candice joined me around noon and suggested we to shopping.

"I don't think so." I said. "Oh come on. Please? We've got to do something!" She begged. "Everything that I buy, I won't be able to wear four months from now anyway." I pointed out. "True. Okay never mind. What do you suggest?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I'm feeling the lazy vibe today."

"We could... sit around and watch chick flicks." She suggested. "That," I pointed to her, "is a genius idea." She grinned and high fived me.

We watched The Notebook, Mean Girls, Clueless and LOL. Afterwards, I felt a lot better about the whole situation.

The next day, Candice had to go somewhere with her brother for his birthday so I was alone.

I know I said Anna's protecting me and never being alone was ridiculous and overwhelming but at times like these, I really miss it. It's weird being alone for so long. Nothing to do. No one to talk to. I can't go anywhere publicly by myself because I promised Michael and Anna I wouldn't.

I took a shower and stayed in my room all day, catching up on The Walking Dead and twitter. Candice found me a few hours later.

"Wanna go for a walk? It's beautiful outside." She suggested. "Fine. I could use some fresh air." I agreed.

I put a pair of leggings and Michael's Coldplay shirt on along with black vans and wandered outside with Candy in tow.

She was right. The sun was out and it was warm. Flowers were starting to bloom and there was a breeze. We walked down to the park where Michael and I met for our first date.

Kids were playing basketball in the courts and mums were pushing little kids in strollers while walking their dogs at the same time. I want a dog.

"Is there an animal shelter nearby?" I asked. "Yeah I think there is one a few blocks away. Why?" Candice asked. "I want a dog." I replied. She laughed. "Anna will kill you!"

I rolled my eyes. "She's not here right now, is she." I pointed out. "True but what's to stop her from killing you then." She reasoned. "She's not going to kill me." I said. "Maybe not but she will be mad." Candy insisted. "Not mad. Surprised."

Half an hour later, we were in the dog section of the animal shelter.

There were four that I was torn by. A two year old female pit bull that had been abused, a female corgi puppy, a five year old blind male German shepherd and female black husky shepherd mix puppy.

I ended up taking the female mix because she came from a family with two small children and was house trained. They just couldn't afford her. She was only eight weeks old, small enough to pick up. We bought her a leash, signed the adoption papers and walked out.

"What are you going to call her?" Candice asked. "Hmmm. Callie? Whitney? Lux? I like that. What do you think?" I asked. "I think Lux is cute." She replied. "Lux it is then." I declared. The black ball of fur wiggled down on the ground. "I think she likes it." Candice cooed. I laughed.

She's too cute.

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