Entry 16

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Well, today was a long day.

Two days ago, Lauren, Jessica and I had a discussion about the opener of the mysterious portal. And we came to a conclusion that MAYBE a killer + magician opened the portal, disapeared after the murder and teleported to EARTH. Which is scary because this man might kill someone on EARTH.

Today was a Saturday (no school :p)

Lauren and I decided to hangout because I was feeling really upset about the ripping, stress, and embarassment from the past 5 weeks.

It was pretty nice at first. Lauren and I ate ice cream. But then, Lauren came closer and wanted to say something to me.

He looked nervous. I was pretty scared. What did he want to tell me?

"Emily." he said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Are you...alright?"

"Well, as long as I'm with you....yeah."


It was pretty weird, to be honest. Then, he took out a pen and notebook from his backpack.

"What are you going to write?" I asked nervously.

He didn't say a word and continued writing.


He didn't even look at me or response.

I gave up. I put my head down on his shoulder and watched him write for a long time....

"Emily? Emily? Emily!!!!"

I opened my eyes and saw 3 nurses surrounding me and Lauren looking at me in great shock. I didn't realize that I fell asleep or how much time had passed.

Turned out, after Lauren finished writing, he was trying to wake me up but somehow, I guess I fainted? So, Lauren started paincking and then took me to the nearest hospital.

The doctor said that they have no idea why I lost consiousness. They said that maybe someone put medicine into me. BUT WHO COULD IT BE!?

Anyways, Lauren said that I was unconsious for about an hour...So, when I woke up, I was feeling really dizzy.

So, then, my mom came to the hospital and was finally relieved when she saw me. She paid for the hospital bills and then I had to go back home.

Then, Amy's mom called my mom. Who is Amy? She was my childhood best friend. I met her when I was 6. She's funny, creative and sweet. But, 2 years ago, she left the city and moved to a different city. So, we haven't seen each other for a pretty long time.

Anyways, back to the story:

Amy's mom said that they were coming over to visit us and mom agreed. So, when mom told me, I was jumping up and down!

I was so excited!

After 2 hours, Amy arrived and we started chatting non-stop! Amy told me that she started dating a guy named Chris. He sounded pretty nice, to be honest. I ws kinda jealous. I mean- LAUREN IS AMAZING, NO DOUBT. But, Chris sounded like a really fun person to be with. And....Lauren is usually too shy.

Editor's note: I dont think i have time and motivation to continue this. The rest of the story remains unknown. :'( sorry.

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