Chapter 17

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A few minutes passed in utter silence, my mind swirled with thoughts of Raina's sweetheart. Who was he? And was he really more important than me? I rolled my eyes, of course, he was... She deceived me for him. He better be someone important... My inner rant was cut off when the door opened and a man was tossed in.

"NO!" I heard Susan's ear-piercing scream as she started thrashing violently, "Not him! Not him!" she continued struggling, "He's doesn't even like Raina back!" Apparently, Susan cared about this man. Who was he? Except for me, why did all women here give him such high status?

"Shh..." Sierra caressed Susan's face, "Don't you want him to be free, my dear?" Susan looked up at her, "Y-You'd do t-that?" she hiccupped. "Why yes, of course! I promised Raina that I'd set her boyfriend free." It seemed like my sister was a woman of her word. At least one of us would go free.

We all heard a groan as the man pushed himself to his feet. Disoriented, he rubbed his forehead and asked, "What's going on here?" He walked further into the light; I could see his face now. I had seen a similar face before, I glanced at Susan. The resemblance between the two was uncanny. I took a look at the man's nametag, 'Axel '

Axel! That was Susan's brother. He was Raina's boyfriend? Damn... couldn't she make a better choice? Like me perhaps? I was a hundred times better than this brown-headed baboon! She betrayed me for this fool! She really needed to raise her standards.

"Sierra, honey? What are you doing here darling?"

"Honey?" My nose crinkled in bewilderment. That was ridiculous! Susan's thoughts matched mine as she spoke with distaste in her tone, "Darling?" she scoffed, "Since when do you call her darling, Axel?"

"Since she promised to help me end your evil reign," He said looking smug, "You're going to pay for all the torture you inflicted on the patients, and then I'll be the new in-charge here. I won't stay in your shadow any longer."

Bastard. I don't know what Raina saw in him. I could see Susan rolling her eyes, "Axel, if Sierra wanted to help the patients, she would've let Arden go." She nodded her head at me, I supported her, "Yes Axel, Susan's point is valid. Sierra's only using you."

He glared at me, "You-"

"It's okay Axel. Whatever they're saying is true anyways. No need to defend me." Sierra interrupted him. He looked back at her, shaking his head; not willing to accept the truth, "Stop lying honey. I know you wouldn't do that." Sierra leaned towards Raina, "Dear, your choice in lovers, sucks." She reached behind her and pulled something shiny out of her jeans. My eyes widened in realization, but before I could move she pointed the gun between his eyes. A deafening sound echoed through the room, drowning Susan and Raina's scream.

Still in shock, my eyes traveled from the hole in Axel's head to my sister, who looked satisfied with our reaction. The single light bulb over her head cast a sinister shadow on her face, making her look like an angel who was cast in hell to torture living creatures and feed on their pain. A monster!

Twirling the gun between her fingers, she bent over Axel's corpse, "I promised Raina to free you." She raised a finger and stroked his face, almost lovingly, "And now I've kept my promise and freed you from the burden of life. You'll thank me for this. Rest well, darling." She wiped her bloody fingers on his shirt and turned to Raina, who was sobbing uncontrollably on the ground, "You twisted my words."

Sierra rolled her eyes, "You said you wanted him free. It isn't my fault you failed to specify from what." She did have a point there. Raina should've made a better bargain, stating everything clearly. Since she didn't, the baboon was now dead. Well, both of them had it coming; Raina for betraying me and Axel for deceiving Susan.

"You promised to protect my brother."

"You kids are seriously stupid. You can't even make a deal properly," Sierra sighed and scratched her head with the muzzle. Signaling the guards to let us go, she held the gun under Susan's chin forcing her to look up, "Susie, I said I would protect your brother as long as you did my bidding. Writing a note to Arden wasn't a part of it. Ergo, you failed and thus I no longer protect your brother." She finished and walked towards me.

Before any of us could move, Susan had grabbed Sierra's neck from behind. Staggering a bit, she looked disappointed but not surprised. Within moments, she had managed to get out of Susan's chokehold and had flipped her on the ground with her arm twisted behind her back. "Stupid move," she twisted her arm more, causing her to scream, "Even if you miraculously managed to kill me, my guards wouldn't let you escape. You'd end up dead. Think before you act dear. That's rule number 1." I looked at my sister. In a screwed up way I kind of admired her. Under different circumstances, I could see her as my friend. She let go of Susan. Tilting her head, she gave us another one of her life lessons, "No loopholes, that's rule number 2."

Susan stood up, supporting her injured arm with the other one. Without moving, she continued staring at Axel's lifeless body, "He's gone" she mumbled. No tears escaped her eyes as she glanced up at Sierra, a promise clear in her eyes, "You'll pay. The same price."

"Put them with the others," Ordering her guards, Sierra smirked back at her.

The guards hauled us up to our feet and started leading us out. "Uh Uh," Sierra shook her head, "Not her," she said, pointing at me. The guards left me at once and took Raina and Susan with them. As the door closed, the only people left in the room were me and my dear sister.

"It's time we had a private little chat, don't youthink, Arden?"

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