Chapter 20

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Sierra opened the door and walked out, I rushed after her, trying to keep up with her. Her steps were determined, I could see the glint in her eye, something wicked was about to happen. "Sierra..." I took a step and faced her, blocking her path. Her eyebrow rose in annoyance, "What are you going to do?"

Rolling her eyes she tried to side-step me. I followed her movement and stepped to the side, effectively blocking her path again. "What's going to happen?" She folded her arms, "Move."


"Get out of my way, Arden."

"Tell me about your plan!"

"It involves masks."

Masks? What would she want with masks? And how were masks going to cause chaos?

"Wh-" Dammit! I looked around to find her gone. She must've walked off when I was busy in my thoughts. Groaning, I turned around and jogged after her.

When I finally caught up to her, I found her whispering something to a guard... "Gas... get some masks..." It was something related to gas... A gas leak? My eyes widened in realization.

Shit... I swore under my breath. I needed to get my friends and get the hell out of here. All of them were in cells, where were they located? The only person I knew, who could help me was, Emily. Involuntarily, my hand went up to the bandage on my wound... Was I willing to approach her after that?

Yes, I had no choice. I had to get my friends out and for that Emily was necessary. I turned around, ready to find her. But before I could take even a single step, fingers wrapped around my shoulder. "You, dear sister, aren't going anywhere."

I looked ahead to see no guards around us. I was desperate and did the stupidest thing I could've ever done...I bolted.

I didn't get far when I heard a gunshot making me freeze. "One more step. I dare you." A familiar chill went down my spine. She would shoot me without blinking, so begrudgingly I walked back to her. She smirked in satisfaction and led me down the stairs to the hall.

Patients and nurses along with the doctors stood in groups; all of them, surrounded by armed guards. My friends were there too, I reached towards them but was dragged by an iron grip on my arm. "Behave," she whispered.

As she walked, the crowd parted, making way for her. The recognition in their eyes was accompanied by shock and fear. "Hello people," her voice boomed in the eerily silent hall. A guard carried in one mask and placed it where Sierra stood, in the center of the hall. Grinning, she took out a knife from her jacket and placed in on the floor near the mask. "Survival of the fittest."

Everyone stared at her in confusion. With a smirk on her face, she walked back towards me as the guards shielded us. Glancing at her watch she said, "There's going to be a gas leak in about 15 minutes. One mask. One survivor."

Nobody moved a muscle. She clicked her tongue, "Well, I guess all of you will die." That was what did it. A wild uproar ensued, the ones who tried to escape the situation were shot dead by the guards, the one who managed to get a hold of the mask was stabbed by the one who took the knife.

I closed my eyes. Screams echoed, friends killed off friends only for a pathetic mask. "Watch" Sierra ordered. I shook my head in denial. No, I couldn't bear to see the genocide. "Watch or I'll toss you in there with them."

Unwillingly I opened my eyes. It was a terrible nightmare. The only one who was enjoying this killing spree was Emily. She was relentless, killing everything in her path. With her clothes now dyed in red, she spared nobody.

I held in a whimper as my gaze landed on Mike. He stared blankly at the motionless bodies of Kathy and Josh. No! No! A breathless sob escaped lips as I fell to my knees. I couldn't bear to stand any longer. Mike looked at me with a sick smile as he turned around and gripped Raina, "I'm sorry" she mouthed.

Sierra grabbed my jaw and made me watch as she struggled to breathe, I could feel the life drain out of her. "No...Please..." My cries didn't affect anything. Entirely helpless, I watched as she fell on the floor, her body limp.

Everything fell silent. I couldn't register the screams as more bodies dropped to the floor. My eyes were fixated on her. Wake up... Please... I willed. But it was no use. She didn't blink, not even once.

I felt hands pulling me up from the ground, making me come back to my senses. The room was littered with bodies, the floor drenched in red. I wasn't surprised when I saw the lone murderer...Emily. She stood proud, her breaths heavy as she glanced at the only person standing among the dead...Mike.

I was disgusted with myself... A major part of me wanted him dead and hoped for Emily to do the deed. Both of them stalked forward towards the mask, Emily with the knife in her hand.

One survivor. A sick sense of anticipation ran through my veins, "Kill him" The words were out before I could stop them. Mike looked at me, a heartbroken look in his eyes. The audacity!

He didn't resist the blow that came to him. Emily sliced his neck in one move. Meeting my eyes for the last time, he dropped to the ground. Dead.

I gulped. That wasn't how it was supposed to go! He just gave up... My thoughts were interrupted when a gunshot rang in the air, "Well that was interesting." Sierra said as she killed off Emily too.

"You said, one survivor!" I accused, my eyes narrowed. Sierra shook her head, "When will you learn? There is one survivor" she pointed at me. "Everyone died for you."

"N-nno..." my voice trembled, "T-the g-ggas?"

"There was no gas. They only believed there was, everyone failed. They could've just waited it out, but no! Survival is human nature, they couldn't fight it."

I felt a prick in my neck as my vision became blurry, "I'm doing the same. Helping people like me survive. I hope you understand someday." I saw her walk out the door as I passed out on the floor.

My eyes flickered open, slowly sitting up I looked around me...White walls and white floors along with a bleach stench...

A nurse stood in the doorway.

"Are you okay, Ms. Renda?"



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