Chapter 8

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It was almost dark when I left the garden. Seeing Mike sitting at my table, I decided to skip dinner and went straight to my room.

My lips curved into a slow smile as I slumped on my bed. The siblings were filthy liars. I was Arden, Arden Wales and I was not crazy. I leaned into the pillow and my eyes closed in solace. Feeling relaxed for the moment, I fell asleep.

The motionless body...A man standing over it...A knife, dripping with blood...The white floor stained red...

"No!" I woke up, panting heavily. My mouth was dry and it was difficult to swallow. With a shaking hand, I reached for the bottle beside my bed. With each sip, I tried to calm myself down.

This dream wasn't like the previous one. No, it was too vivid to be a dream. It must be a memory.

I hadn't taken the pills today. It couldn't be a coincidence that I saw this dream today. It meant only one thing; the pills were not responsible for memory loss as I thought. They were memory suppressants.

I looked at the clock, it showed 3 a.m. Maybe I should've taken the pills. Why did I even want my memories back if they were horrifying? Wouldn't it be easier to live here?

No, it won't be easier. I couldn't spend my entire life eating bland and tasteless food. I couldn't remain confined in this prison when I knew that I wasn't crazy. I couldn't give up my freedom. That is not happening. I was going to escape this hell.

Staring out the window, I looked at the sky longingly, only if I had wings; I could fly away and never come back. The rest of my night was spent imagining about situations that were never going to happen.


It was about 7 in the morning when the lock to my door turned. I didn't need Susan's diary to convince Raina. I only had to say her name out loud and she would understand that I said her name and not her name's anagram.

I got off the bed eagerly. Before the door could open entirely I said, "Raina, I need to tell you something."

Instead of wonder, her eyes held fear. I didn't understand why until I saw Susan standing behind her.

She nodded at Raina. As if understanding what she meant, Raina shuffled out of the room. But as she left she looked at me with teary eyes and mouthed, 'Sorry.'

"Raina, is it? No anagram, huh?" Susan's eyes narrowed as she slowly stalked forward, towards me.

Guards entered the room and before I knew it, I was pushed to the ground on my knees. My hands were held behind my back by two guards and the third one held a gun to my head. I struggled against their hold on me, but it was futile. There was no escaping this.

"That won't be necessary." Susan stepped forward and touched the guard's arm. I could finally breathe as the guard lowered the gun.

Susan leaned forward and whispered in a voice so low that only I was able to hear," Arden Wales, you've been a real pain in the ass."

She took a step back and her eyes focused on something. Frowning, I followed her gaze and saw the restraints. No! NO! My arms pained as I started thrashing. I was desperate. "Please! No, don't do this!" I begged with tears dripping down my face.

Her eyes lit up in a wicked glint, with a smirk on her face she ordered, "Restrain her."


The guards hauled me up. I dug in my feet on the floor and struggled with all the strength I had, but the guards were stronger.

Within moments, I was on my bed with my hands and legs, both tied up.

"Let me out! Let me out!" With each passing second, breathing was becoming difficult for me.

The door opened and Susan's brother, Axel came in with a briefcase. Susan opened it and took out the syringe filled with some drug.

My cries became frantic as she approached me. I shook my head rapidly and tried to break free of the restraints that held me captive.

"Don't worry sweetie, we are going to take care of you," she said as the needle pricked my arm.

I had heard that before. How many times had she said that? Has this happened before? How many times did I forget?

Anger welled up inside me as I looked in her eyes.

"I'll kill you. I promise." There was a clear resolve in my tone as I intended to keep that promise.

I could see the shock in her eyes through my blurryvision. That brought a strange kind of satisfaction to me as my eyes closed.

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