Chapter 14

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I found Emily lounging on one of the benches in the garden. I approached her slowly not wanting to disturb her. From here no one could've guessed she had killed someone. She looked so innocent, her brown hair swaying in the wind and eyes closed in peace.

"Are you going to stand there staring or are you going to say something?" She gazed at me with half-lidded eyes. I sat beside her, "Who was Lilly?"

A bright smile littered her face when she heard that name. "Lilly was the only friend I had in here. Shame she was in so much pain though."

"Why'd you kill her?" I asked, one eyebrow raised.

"I didn't kill her! I only did what mommy told me to," she glanced sideways, staring into space, "Don't worry mommy. Renda is a friend, she won't tell anybody about you." She looked at me and pointed into thin air, "See, my mommy thought Lilly was in pain. She told me to get rid of her pain! I didn't kill her! Lilly even cried happy tears, thanking me!"

I stared at her horrified as she grabbed my wrist in her hand, "Talk to mommy!" I froze and her grip tightened, "Talk to her!" she growled.

"Um... he-he-hello... h-hey?" I winced as her nails dug in my wrist drawing blood. At this moment I was ready to do anything to get the hell away from Emily. "I don't understand her language, could you please translate?" I played along.

In an instant, she left her grip on my hand and eagerly nodded, "Mommy wants to know why you're here"

"I need your help."

"Mommy wants to know why?"

"I have a plan to escape this place. I was hoping you would help."

"Help to kill everyone?" she asked, licking her lips.

"No, not every-" I was cut off when Emily pushed me on the ground and straddled me. I held both her wrists, digging my nails in her skin as she grabbed my neck, cutting off the air supply to my lungs. "KILL EVERYONE! That's what mommy wants!" she screamed, tightening her hold on my neck, leaving me gasping for air. "O-okay" I managed to get a word out and instantly her grip loosened.

I coughed, trying to get as much air in as I could. I was relieved until I saw the glint in her eyes, "Mommy said to start with you."

Before I could do anything, she bit down on the juncture between my shoulder and neck. I screamed trying to push her off, she bit down harder drawing blood. At the same time, she held my neck, suffocating me. I couldn't breathe; I could feel her teeth cutting through my skin, any moment now she could tear a chunk of my flesh out. With my vision blurring from the lack of oxygen I knew I didn't have much time. Gathering the last ounce of strength I had in my body, I pushed my thumbs in her eyes making her cry out and causing her mouth to leave my neck. As her grip loosened, I pushed her away from me and got up, gasping for air.

She reached for me again, but before she could choke me; I gripped her hair, "Burn, you vampire bitch!" I sneered and slammed her head on the bench, knocking her out.

It wasn't long before Susan arrived there with guards, Raina followed after her. Assessing the scene before her, she said, "Raina, get her wound cleaned up. I'll handle Emily."

Raina nodded and led me to my room. I sat in the chair while she brought the first aid kit. She poured the liquid antiseptic on my wound, making me wince, "SHIT! You could've warned me!"

"And you could've stayed away from Emily," she continued cleaning, "but we don't always do what we should, right?"

I glared at her, "It wasn't my fault she started talking to her imaginary mother!"

Rolling her eyes Raina said, "She has had paranoid schizophrenia ever since she saw her mother die in front of her. She has hallucinations and delusions, sometimes she can't tell what's real and what's not. So she ends up harming herself and anybody else around her."

Even though she had just tried to kill me, I felt sympathy for Emily. She didn't know what she was doing. I couldn't imagine living like that.

"I'm sorry, asking her for help was stupid of me."

Raina agreed, "Yeah, incredibly stupid."

"Gee, thanks! That makes me feel so much better."

She put pressure on my wound, "Ow! Okay! I'm sorry."

"Yes, you should be sorry for your reckless actions," she said with a smile as she finished bandaging me up.

" see, about that..." I tried looking anywhere but at her. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head, "When?"

"Tonight, 11 pm" I replied.

She nodded, "Get some rest till then," she said as the door closed behind her.

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