Chapter 12

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I didn't go to the common room for days; instead, Raina brought my lunch and dinner to my room. She tried getting me to talk, but I refused every time. I willingly took the medicines, much to Raina's disappointment. Suppressing my dreams was better than seeing her face in them and realizing that she was no more.

One morning, finally tired of my behavior; Raina dragged me to my feet. Confused, I stared at her, wanting an explanation for her behavior.

"I'm taking you to the library. Books will help you escape reality for some time."

I opened my mouth to refuse, but before I could utter a word, she said, "Refuse and I'll stop giving you pills." A few days ago, I would've been happy at that. But these days the pills were my salvation. Having no other choice, I agreed and went along with her to the library.

It was a fairly large library, with shelves arranged in two layers of concentric circles. Some amount of space was left open for the entrance and in the center laid a few tables and chairs; all of them firmly fixed to the floor.

Raina quickly found what she wanted to read and sat at one of the tables. I, on the other hand, didn't know what to choose. Walking along the shelves, I was sweeping my gaze up and down searching for something that I might want to read when a book caught my eye: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."

- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

The quote from Sierra's grave, it was from this book. Curious, I took the book and opened it. Flipping through its pages, I noticed something-A note.

'For Arden,' it said. Without removing the note, I opened it inside the book so that for anybody else, it would look like I was only reading a book.

Dear Arden

If you are reading this, it means that Raina finally took you to the grave. Good, I was banking on her to do it. Anyways, I know that by now you must have lost your memories. I am so sorry about that. I never wanted that to happen and I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to prevent it. I can, however, tell you about the dark secrets that this place hides. The secrets that could get you killed, but you must know them so you can save yourself and the patients in this institution.

In the beginning, Whisperwood Sanatorium was like any other private psychiatric institute. It aimed at treating its patients so they could live an almost normal life. The doctors and the nurses at this place were highly experienced and talented. But one day, I made the grave mistake of hiring a nurse. At that time I didn't know her soul was tainted.

She was loved by all and climbed the ranks within a month. Soon something happened that made me a puppet in her hands. She kidnapped someone very close to me and made me do her bidding while she relaxed and earned millions. I didn't want to lose the only family I had so powerlessly, I did what she asked.

She brought in criminals and sheltered them in here in exchange for money and their alliance. She also brought in people that were normal at the request of her allies. She ordered me to clear the memory of all the patients so that they could be controlled in a better way. Putting patients in solitary, making them wear straightjackets, torturing them... It was a horror show.

Whisperwood became a place for trafficking, both drugs and humans. I was living my worst nightmare. I couldn't take it anymore and had lost all my hope. But then she brought you in because you were asking a lot of questions and she hated it. You are my last hope, only you have the chance to stand against her. You are a born leader Arden, you might not remember it but I do. The patients here are breathing, but they don't have any desire to live. It wouldn't matter to them if they were to die tomorrow. They need someone like you to give them hope. They need someone like you to give them their freedom.

Let their demons run free, cause wild and untameable chaos. A Pandemonium... That's what can free you. But be careful, she controls the guards in here. The nurses and doctors too are under her command. One wrong move and she might make you lose your memory all over again. Raina can help you a little, good luck.


Finishing the letter I realized a tear had slipped down my left cheek and my fists were clenched so hard my nails pressed painfully in my palms. Each sentence fuelled me with uncontrollable rage and grief for what my sister had been through. As I wiped the single tear and tried to control my labored breaths, I noticed the words were scrawled on the page as if written in extreme hurry. Sierra must've written this. So that meant Susan was the nurse who she was talking about. She was going to pay; Susan had hell coming for her. I pocketed the note and placed the book back on the shelf.

"Done so soon?" Raina questioned, looking up from her book.

"Yes, I feel a lot better now. I wish to go to the common room for lunch." I said, already moving towards the door.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," she replied and continued reading.

With newfound determination I headed towards the common room, I had a plan to burn this place down.

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