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"Your late." Anne rushed in front if Marilla, "I am so sorry. I lost track of time and-" Marilla waved her hand dismissing Anne's comment, "I don't want to hear it. Your grounded for two week. No more "hangouts". Anne looked at Marilla and just nodded and went to her room.

"What is the big deal? I've literally been the best kid ever since they adopted me and now all of a sudden Marilla is being so overbearing." Anne said to Clover, who in return rubbed against Anne.

Despite the amazing time she had with Gilbert, Anne felt no regards to interact with any of her friends no matter how many times the group chat went off. Anne did her homework, walked Clover, did her night routine, and went to bed, not uttering a word to Matthew or Marilla.

~Next Morning~

Anne got on an earlier train, so she wouldn't run into Diana, so she went into school alone. She went into the school library to look at some books for a history essay, until soon she heard someone come in. Anne walked around the corner to find Gilbert.

"Hey, Anne. Are you okay?" Anne looked at Gilbert, and then nodded towards a nearby table for them to sit. "So last night, Marilla grounded me for the first time ever and honestly I think she is making a really big deal out of it. I mean grounded for 2 weeks for doing one of the main reasons I came to this school," Gilbert looked at Anne confused, so Anne playfully rolled her eyes and continued, "Having fun and being happy with friends. Not that yesterday was just as friends, I mean sure it was a trial but I think that-"

And just like that Anne was kissing Gilbert again. "Anne it's okay. If you want something to look forward to, the play auditions are during lunch today, that is if you want to do them." Anne nodded at the idea, checked-out her book and walked out the library with Gilbert.

"Anne are you okay, you didn't answer my texts last night."Diana asked worried. Anne nodded, and her and Diana walked to class. "Anne what happened last night?" Anne proceeded to tell Diana everything that happened from the moment she left the bathroom the day before until she got home.

"Oh my god, why would she do that?" Diana said in shock, Marilla was always nice to her whenever she went over. "I have no idea, but to take my mind off of it you should audition with me and Gilbert for the play at lunch." Diana smiled, "It would be my honor." The girls hugged and walked into the classroom.

~Lunch time~

The enitre Avonlea Gang, except for Billy and Ruby, were on their way to the auditions after English with Ms. Stacy. "Am I the only one who's nervous." Tilly asked. "Well I'm not, I feel like I have Lady Capulet in the bag." Josie replied.

They walk into the auditorium and don't see many people there, but two people did catch their eye, Billy and Ruby. "Josie, Jane I thought you said they weren't auditioning." Diana said. The group shrugged it off and sat down.

"Alright guys," Ms. Stacy started, "Welcome to the Romeo and Juliet auditions. My chosen assistant for the day Winifred, she will hand you out the scripts and call your numbers." "All while auditioning." Winifred added.

Winifred looked like an upper classman. She looked like she had her life set, the girls looked at her with envy. "God I forget how pretty she is." Tilly said. The group looked at her, "What we were all thinking it?"

They received their scripts and auditions were in full swing. Tilly. Jane, and Moody went first. Then Josie, Charlie and Billy. Then Ruby, Winifred and Jerry, and finally Gilbert, Anne and Diana. Coincidentally, they had a part of the scene they preformed in English class.

Ms. Stacy promised to have casting ready almost instantly because she wanted to waste no time getting into the play. Sure enough by the time Anne, Diana and Gilbert got off stage, Ms. Stacy said casting was ready.

"I tried to utilize everyone, and... you guys don't care about this speech." With that the casting list was on the table.

Romeo- Gilbert
Juliet- Anne
Mercutio- Moody
Tybalt- Billy
Friar Lawrence- Charlie
Benvolio- Jerry
Capulet- Rando/ Josh?
Count Paris- Cole
Rosaline- Winnifred
Nurse- Diana
Prince Escalus- Rando/ Marcus?
Lady Capulet- Josie
Potpan- Rando/ Jessica?
Lady Montague- Ruby
Montague- Rando/Levi?
Friar John- Prissy
Guards- Rando/ Does it matter?

Billy and Jane looked at each other, "When did Prissy audition." They asked. "Yesterday, she said today she is sneaking out of school for the women's right protest taking place 2 blocks away." Ms. Stacy replied nonchalantly.

"Anne your Juliet! And Gilbert your Romeo!" Diana exclaimed. The two looked at each other and gave a sort of dorky grin.

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