An Almost-Couple

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Upon entering her apartment Anne was worried Marilla would be upset with her and forbid her from the play, but she was ready to fight back. This is something she is passionate about and Marilla was not taking it.

"Marilla?" Anne called out. "In the kitchen," Marilla's voice responded, "How was your day, Anne?" Anne looked for the right words, "Today at lunch, there were auditions for the school play, Romeo and Juliet," Marilla nodded confused as to what Anne was getting at, "So I auditioned and I got the part of Juliet."

Anne prepared herself for the worst and she got it, "You expect me to put your grounding on pause for a silly play? No that is not right and it is unfair to me. It is plain disrespect and disregard to my rules." Anne looked at her adoptive mother with dismay.

"I suppose you did make a commitment to everyone in the play, so you must do it." Anne's face lit up, "Thank you, thank you, thank y-" "You have to come home right after rehearsals for the next 2 weeks though." Marilla interrupted, Anne nodded excitedly and went to her room to FaceTime Diana.

"Good news... Marilla is letting me do the play, but only because I made a commitment!" Anne and Diana laughed and continued to talk until Diana got a knock on her room door. "Come in," she shouted. Gilbert walked in, "Is that Anne?" Diana rolled her eyes playfully and handed him the phone.

"Hey Gilbert." Anne said waving to him, "Guess what!" Gilbert shrugged smiling at the phone, "What?" Diana started to do a drumroll, "Marilla is letting me do the play!"

"What, no way that's amazing!" Gilbert said smiling at the phone. The trio continued to talk and laugh for hours until Marilla told Anne to go to bed. They said bye to each other and Anne got ready for bed.


The next day at school Anne was pretty cheerful. Her life felt like it had some sort of balance and everything was good. At lunch she was walking the halls with Gilbert because neither were hungry. Suddenly, Anne says,"If you don't want to wait to be with me I get it. Marilla is sort of not making sense right now, but I don't want to go against her and I just-"

"I will always wait for you."Gilbert interrupted, "It doesn't matter if your the last one in the class, or need to tie your shoes, or unsure to say yes to being my girlfriend, I will wait for you. Always. Got that Carrorts." Anne screwed her eyebrows trying to get past the last part of him calling her carrots and just decided to hug him.

"Gil, have I told you that your the best almost-boyfriend." Anne said smirking. Gilbert let go of their hug and looked at her, "So that's what we are an almost-couple. Seems pretty accurate and may I say your the best almost-girlfriend."

They continued to walk the halls and laugh and just enjoy each other's company. They almost didn't realize someone was at their locker listening to their every word.

The person ran down the hall in the opposite direction, to the courtyard. "I need to talk to you. Now. It's about Anne and Gilbert."


"Almost-boyfriend how gross, but that leaves an open opportunity for me now doesn't it."

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