Welcome to Avonlea

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~April break~

"The fact that they own a private plane still blows my mind," Anne whispered to Jane. "I absolutely love Diana's family, they're so modernized," She paused and frowned, "My dad brought a yacht and named it The Priscilla, I mean way to pick favorites." Anne chuckled, "If only she was favored enough for him to consider passing her the company rather than Billy. Prissy is so smart, it sucks that your dad literally brought up finishing school in the midst of getting college letters."

"And my mom didn't say anything about it, she wants so badly for Prissy to go to college since she married young and 'missed out on youth', but she's never going to get that if she won't open her damn mouth and speak out against my dad," Jane raged on about the misogyny in her house as they loaded their bags onto the trolley to be taken to the plane. They walked from the car with Billy behind them to the plane where the rest were already waiting.

Tilly smiled, "Anne you are not prepared for Avonlea. It may seem like a small boring town, but it's really cool and Diana's aunt is even cooler." Anne already knows Diana's Aunt Josephine, they met over the summer and grew quite fond of each other. "We're going to land around noon, spend the rest of the day in Charlottetown, then tomorrow we'll head into Avonlea." Diana was busy talking to Josie and Gilbert was far on the other side of the group talking to Moody and Charlie. "Anne!" Moody called out, waving her over. She eerily walked over, not ready to possibly have to interact with Gilbert. "Hey, Moody!" She smiled, hoping not to seem anxious with Gilbert three feet away.

"Moody, you know how like everyone heard you like Diana," Anne started, feeling Gilbert's eyes grow curious with where the conversation was going. Last time the three of them had a conversation it was horrible. "I couldn't help but realize that Diana was feeling a bit uncomfortable with the-"

"Did she tell you that?" Gilbert interrupted. Anne looked at him, they're around the same hight asking it easy to meet his eyes, "What?" He made a pointedly rude look, "Did the words 'I am uncomfortable with Moody's crush on me' come out of Diana's mouth, or are you making assumptions of what's happening based on what you saw... again."

"Gilbert, I-" He interrupted her, "Said sorry? Last time I checked you stuttered and continued on with the scene. You never said anything to me, you've only spoken to Romeo as Juliet. Like you said in December this is all complete bull and I'm done with it Anne." He led Charlie onto the plane, leaving Anne standing there with Moody.

"If it means anything, I noticed it too," Moody remarked with a low voice and went onto the plane. Anne just continued to stare at the plane, when a voice called from behind her, "Sorry I'm late, but I had to find the perfect plane outfit." Anne turned to find Ruby with her suitcases making her way to the plane. Great.

The plane ride wasn't terrible, thank God it wasn't a long one. Anne spent the time next to Jane and Tilly, her gaze shifting between the girls and Gilbert, as she mindlessly listened because her mind was still on what Gilbert had said.

I'm just looking out for Diana. She looked devastated in school and no matter how progressive her parents seem, it's obvious they'd never let Diana be with some one who's only in the school because his mom's the principal.

Jane and Tilly looked at Anne, "That was harsh ma'am." Tilly said confused. "Oh did I say that out loud?" Anne cringed at the thought of what other things she could've said out loud. "Just the last part about Diana's mom being stuck up." Anne's eyes widened, "Tilly, I never- I never said that. Why would I ever say that?"

"Well you basically said that. Moody's family is the third, um least wealthy, family in the school. You and some senior girl take the top spots, but he's not necessarily poor." Jane explained. "That doesn't change the fact that Diana's mother would never allow it. Also, how do you know the school's levels of wealth?"

Jane shrugged, "Rich people generate followings, those followings look into records and then- basically the internet and school records." The girls continued on about how Diana's mom and her standards. "I remember when Diana's mom divorced Gilbert's dad because he went bankrupt a bit after Gilbert was born. My mom said Diana's grandmother kept pushing her mom to remarry someone richer, so her next child can live a good life." Clearly Mrs. Barry wasted no time, Diana's only 9½ months younger than Gilbert.

"Wait, I never understood. Why doesn't Gilbert stay with his Dad?" Anne asked. Tilly and Jane looked shocked, "As much as you guys hung out and the topic never came up? He did stay with his Dad until second grade, it's why he's so close to Moody they lived next to each other, but his dad died." Anne didn't know what to say, she'd always just assumed that Gilbert's dad was alive and out of state or something, not dead.

Jane continued, "And so he lives with his mom, step-dad and half-sisters. I can tell though from the pictures, Mrs. Barry was happier as a Blythe. Being with him wasn't about the money." Anne glanced at Gilbert who was sitting on the floor with the boys laughing. She believed she understood what he was feeling, being adopted and all, but she also didn't.

She didn't know her parents, so Matthew and Marilla are her equivalent. Gilbert knew and loved his dad, he got to know him and then lost him. She wondered what life would be like of Gilbert's dad hadn't died. She also wondered what he was like, imagining all the times she'd hung out with Gilbert and what it would have been like to be at his house with his Dad, possibly laughing at jokes and stories of Gilbert growing up.

She only does that with Diana, Mrs. Barry is considerably set on raising Diana and Minnie May based on prestigious London standards and focused on her interior design empire. She knew that Gilbert was sort of a last thought to her, unless he was grouped with Diana, like he was a reminder of her past.

The got off the plane at the Charlottetown Airport and were greeted with small old lady and a limo. "Diana, Gilbert." She said, holding her arms out with a smile. They hugged her and each said "Hi, Aunt Jo."

She then greeted the others, but approached Anne with a particularly wide grin, "Anne! How was the book?" She'd finished the book Aunt Jo gave her within a week. "Amazing. I mean as much as I love Jane Eyre, Woman, Race and Class is so eye opening on a different level. We can discuss more later if you'd like?" Aunt Jo nodded and smiled, "Yes, I'd like." She began to usher everyone into the limo, "Let's go! It looks like it may rain. Rolling start the car."

They all filed into the back of the limo and settled in as it started to drizzle on the windows. Anne had buckled her seat belt when she realized who she was sitting next to. Gilbert. Sure Billy was on the other side, but they've never held a casual conversation before. Anne looked at Gilbert and tapped his shoulder.

He turned his head and looked back at her, "Gilbert, I'm sorry. You were totally right, I shouldn't have spoken for Diana like that I just miss her." He slowly nodded, "She still isn't talking to you?" Anne paused, "Is she talking to you?" Gilbert nodded, "We live in the same house, it'd be hard not to talk."

Anne frowned and in return she got a look from Gilbert that she hadn't gotten since before Ruby's party. "Listen Anne, we've both been kinda dumb for dragging this out since November and it's not fair to you that Diana hasn't spoken with you in a month. We should put the drama behind us and move on, get back to being friends."

Anne gave a small smile, "I'm game if you are. I'm sure I'll be ten times the friend you can be." Gilbert smirked, "Is that a challenge?" Anne nodded, "You bet."

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