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After school Bill walked Richie to Mr browns class were detention was being held.

"Bye Rich."

"Bye Bill thanks for walking me. "

" No problem. "

Just before Richie was about to enter the class room Stan walked by.

"Holy shit did you get detention" Stan laughed.

"Yes I did. "

" Wow what did you do this time. "
" Did you start a fight oh wait that's impossible with those noodle arms"Stan said messing with his arms.

" Get off me. "

" Just tell me what you did. "

" I threw a shoe at my teacher"Richie mumbled under his breath.

" Oh my God your so dumb. "

*Bill laughed*

"What are you laughing at" Richie said giving Bill a long hard stare.

"Why don't you just skip it" Stan suggested.


"Skip detention" Stan replied casually.

"No Rich yo...you will g...get in trouble."

"Oh Billy don't be so worried all the time he'll be fine"Stan said smiling at Bill.

" God would you guys just stop flirting and start dating already. "

Stan and bill turned bright red and looked down at their shoes.

"Ok so..so.. our you go.....going to sk..skip it. "

Richie looked in the window of the class. He saw that Eddie was sitting at a desk doing his homework.

"Actually I think I'm just going to do it."

"Ok whatever."

"Have fun you two, but not to much fun you know what I mean"Richie laughed.

Richie entered the class and yelled
" Eduardo what are you doing here."

"Mr tozier sit down and stop yelling. "

" Sorry Mr Brown. "

" Eduardo what are you doing here"Richie whispered while sitting beside Eddie.

"I had to present my project in front of the class but I don't like public speaking so I had an asthma attack and Mr Brown thought I was faking it to get out of the assignment so he failed me and gave me detention"Eddie said sadly.

" That's so unfair. "

" I know. "

" No seriously that's freaking crazy. "

" Rich calm down it's ok. "

" No it's not ok. "

Richie stood up from his desk.

" This is crazy Edward should not be in detention,unlike the rest of he is a good student and has never done anything bad before and how DARE you accuse him of faking an asthma attack and give him detention you should be ashamed of yourself. "

Eddie turned bright red and dropped his head into his hands.

" Mr tozier sit down now. "

" What if I don't."

"Rich please just sit down"Eddie whispered.

" Fine I'll sit but I hope you know what your doing."

Richie sat down beside Eddie with a disappointed look.

Richie and Eddie sat in silence for the next hour.

"Ok you guys can leave now" Mr Brown announced.

"You want to walk home together" Eddie asked.


~Time skip~

"Richie stop giving me the silent treatment and just talk to me."

"Why would you want to talk to me I thought I embarrass you. "

" I never said you embarrass me."

" I know but you thought it."

" Of course I did Rich you were yelling at my teacher."

" I was telling him how great you were."

" Yeah and why would you do that you are always telling me how short and annoying I am and calling me dumb ass nick names" Eddie shouted.

Richie stood there silent he didn't know what to say.

He looked at Eddie and ran in to the woods.

"Richie wait come back" Eddie said running after him.

Richie was sitting on a log somewhere in the woods.
Head in hands he sat there for ten minutes and the heard a loud bang and someone yell "OW!

Oh no Eddie Richie thought.

He started running "Eddie" he yelled.
"Eddie is that you."

"Yeah it's me" shouted a sad voice from behind some tree's.

"I'm coming where are you."

"Over here."

Richie ran over to him.
A huge rock had fallen on his ankle.

"Holy shit Eddie I'm so sorry" Richie said picking up the rock from his ankle.

" It's ok"Eddie said wiping the tears from his face.

"Your bleeding."

"It's ok Rich I'll be fine."

"No come on we have to get you home."

Richie helped Eddie up.

" I'm so sorry"Richie said again wiping the tears from Eddie's cheeks.

" It's fine rich it's not your fault."

"It is my fault if I wasn't being an annoying ass and didn't run into the woods you wouldn't of fallen."

Richie gave Eddie a hug.

" Richie I'm fine stop worrying."

" I'll never stop worrying about you Ed's I love yo...........

Richie turned red and pulled away.
"I love you......r mom Eddie I love your mom."

"Ugh fuck you" Eddie said hobbling away.

" What's wrong"Richie said fake smiling to cover up his sadness.

" Your always say how great my mom is and yeah I get it she's fat very funny hahaha but I just why can't you ever talk you know em about me."

Eddie grabbed Richie's face and kissed him.

Holy shit what am i doing Eddie thought to him self.

Oh my God he's kissing me holy shit,ok keep calm Richie thought.

Eddie pulled away about fifteen seconds after.

"Holy shit Eddie."

"I'm sorry was that ok."

"It was perfect."

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