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"Wait w..what."

"Em Rich I'm sorry but you can't just borrow me" Stan cried.

"No I have a plan. "

" Wh.. what ever you plan is y.. you can't take st.. Stan. "

" No just hear me out. "

After about what seemed like forever Richie had convinced Bill and Stan to go through with his perfect plan.

~Time skip~

On Monday Richie and Stan dramatically entered the school.
People everywhere stoped and stared.
Everyone knew that Stan and Richie hated each other and would never expected this to happen.

Stan walked Richie to his locker.

"Bye babe" he said kissing him on the cheek and letting go of his hand.

" Bye Stanny. "

Stan winked and left to go to his English class.

"What the fuck was that" Bev screamed running over to Richie.

"What do you mean."

"Are you to dating how could you do this to Bill and you guys hate each other what's happening please tell. "

" No Bev we're not actually dating. "

" He...he is just trying to m...m...make Eddie jealous. "

" So your fake dating Stan. "

" Lower your voice it has to be a secret. "

" And your ok with this Bill. "

" Ye..yeah it's ok. "
" Once t..there not m..m.. making out and stuff"Bill squirmed.

" Wow Richard you have a fucked up way to do things. "

" Why thank you Mrs Marsh. "

" D.... don't tell Ben or m...mike though. "
" Especially B....Ben. "

" Why not. "

" There good friends with Eddie and Ben is a huge blabber mouth."

"Ok I'll try."

"No you won't try you'll do. "

" Ok god."

~Time skip~

It was lunch and Stan and Richie decided not to sit with the other losers but to sit at their on private table.

"Why aren't they sitting with us."
"And why is Rich holding Stan" Eddie asked in shock.

" There dating"Bev replied.

" What"mike asked suspiciously.

"Yep things got pretty intense over the weekend if you know what I mean."

" Wait so Bill you and Stan broke up."

" Y....yeah."
" He said he wanted s... something else and left me f...f...for that asshole."

" I'm sorry Bill"Ben said.

" This is just disgusting"Eddie cried.


"They should be sitting with us not on their own there not supposed to be it's just not right."

They all ignored Eddie because it was kinda his all his fault that they had to fake date.

After lunch Eddie just walked off.
He didn't say goodbye or anything he just left.
He was obviously upset.
The plan was working.

Maybe it was seeing Stan and Rich walking around holding hands all day.
Or maybe it was because he missed him but either way what happened next was no accident.

This is bad I'm sorry:)

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