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It was extremely busy in the cafeteria today, so the losers decided to have there lunch outside in the courtyard.

The sun was shining and it was surprisingly hot.
The weather was never this good in derry.
It was always either raining or just cold and damp.

It didn't make any sense.
Why was everyone crowed in the cafeteria when it was so nice out.

Well not everyone.
The weird stoners were in there usual spot under the bleachers of the football stadium.

The losers took a seat at one of the benches in the shade.

Eddie lent over to Richie and whispered "Are you going to tell Stan."

"About " Richie whispered back.

" About me and you. "

" Ok ok. "

Eddie knew Stan and Richie were only fake dating to make him jealous.
Richie had told him the other night.

"Stanley can we have a word in private."

"Of course babe."

"Ugh" Richie snorted.

He led Stan to somewhere private and explained the whole situation.

They came back about fifteen minutes later and sat down at the table.

"Oh my God you breath so loud " yelled Stan.

"Oh I'm sorry " Richie replied sarcastically.

" Your always so sarcastic can you ever just talk normally."

"I'm only sarcastic to people who annoy me. "

" Your saying I annoy you. "

" Yes, yes I am. "

" You stupid son of a bitch"Stan snorted grabbing his sandwich and shuving it in his face.

"Ugh I hate you."

"In that case maybe we should just break up."

"Fine by me."

The to boys sat back down and began to eat there lunch again.

" Oh thank God" bill screeched kissing Stan.

" Wait what"Ben said.

" Will I tell him"Bev asked.

" Sure"Stan and Richie said in unison.

" Ok Stan and Rich were fake dating to make Eddie jealous and I'm assuming it worked and there back together and instead of being normal Rich planned an over dramatic fake break up."
" Was that correct."

" Very"Richie replied with a smile.

" Wow"mike exclaimed.

" I know right such an amazing plan."

" Your so weird Tozier."

"Thank you."

" Wait why didn't you tell myself and mike."
" And why did you tell Bev and Bill instead."

" Well"answered Richie.
" I needed to tell Bill because I was borrowing his boyfriend and I told Bev because we have had such a special bond since she kissed me."

" Eeuk you didn't have to mention that"Ben snorted.

" Yeah"Eddie agreed.

" Oh does it make you guy uncomfortable thinking about me and Bev making out."

Bev laughed.

" Shut up"Ben said.

" Soreeeey."
" Don't worry spaghetti your the only person I want to be making out with."

" Your so strange."

Ok I hate this but I'm publishing it anyways :)
Btw thanks for 720 reads ily all so much x

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