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Eddie was helping Richie pack for the sleepover.

"For the last time I don't need help I know how to pack a bag."

"Last time we had a sleepover you packed pyjamas a sock and some deodorant. "

" That's all you need. "

" Oh no it's not. "

" It's a sleepover her house is five minutes away I can just run back if I forget something. "

" But wouldn't you rather just have the stuff so you don't need to run back. "

" Ugh fine. "

Richie scrambled through his wardrobe looking for clothes and then throwing them into his bag.

"You don't fold them?????

" There's no time for folding Eduardo."

They both ran out of Richie's house hoped on their bikes and rode to Beverly's aunts house.

"Hey guys let's get this party started" Richie yelled at everyone while coming in the door.

" I am deeply sorry about this I should of left him at home" Eddie said.

"There's still time"Stan replied.

" Ok. "

" No no no please don't make me go I promise I'll behave."

They all laughed.

" Soooo what do you want to do"Beverly asked with a smirk on her face.

" I kno.....know what your thinking and the answer is no"Bill said firmly.

" How about we play spin the bottle" Bev asked.

They all looked at her.

" No. "

" Awh come on. "

" Most of us are dating each other it will be awkward and uncomfortable"Stan said.

" I'm not dating anyone so I'll play" mike sighed.

"See we haven't even began to play yet and mike has already made it uncomfortable" Richie smiled.

" Guys come on."

After about fifteen minutes of complaining Bev got them all to play with her.

She was the first to spin the bottle.
It landed on Ben.

Bev leant over to kiss him.
Her face turned red so did Ben.

The kiss was meant to last about ten seconds but they kissed for about twenty.

Richie had to separate them.

Ben spun the bottle it landed on Bev again.

And there was another awkward twenty seconds.

The next time Bev spun the bottle it landed in Mike.
Then Mike spun and it landed on Bill.
Bills turn it landed on Stan and Stan's turn it landed on Richie.

Eddie turned red.
He did not want his boyfriend to kiss someone else.
Especially if that someone else was Stan.

"I don't have to kiss him if you don't want me to" Richie whispered into Eddie's ear.

" No it's ok"Eddie whispered back.

"Are you sure."

"Yeah I'm sure."

Richie scooched over beside Stan.

Just as he bent over to kiss him Eddie pulled him by the shirt and said no.

"Eddie you can't just say no" Bev said disappointed.

"Well he's my boyfriend so I can't say no if I want."

"That's not how the game works"mike said.

" I don't freaking care if that's not how the game work I don't want to sit here and watch Richie make out with Stan."

" Do I get a say in this"Richie asked curiously.

" No go sit over there"Eddie replied.

" Ok."

" Actually I didn't really want Stan t....to make o...o... out with Rich either so."

" Why does everyone think we were going to make out"Stan asked.

*Knock knock*

" Ooooo pizzas here"Bev said opening the door.

" Theres pizza."

They all went to sit down on the coach to watch a movie and eat there pizza.

"What movie do you guys want to watch."

"What movies do you have Bev."

" Well I have toy story,dirty dancing,back to the future.........."
Before Bev could finish she was rudely interrupted by Stan.

" Oh please can we watch dirty dancing" Stan asked.


" Oh please you guys never want to do anything I want to do."

"W...what are you talking a.... about. "

"I want to watch dirty dancing"Eddie said with a smile.

" Me to"Bev said.

Everyone eventually agreed except Richie.

"Oh come on Rich."

"No I don't like dancing."

" What Rich your constantly dancing"Eddie laughed.

" Shush."

" Yeah all you do is dance and annoy me."

" Eddie be quite."

" Ok I don't really care that Richie doesn't want to watch dirty dancing I'm putting it on anyways"Bev said turning on the movie.

" Fine."

As the movie played they all snuggled up on the coach.

Eddie was feeding Richie pizza and resting his on his shoulder.

"This movie isn't as bad as I thought."

" Stan's a... asleep."

"Already" Richie whispered.

" I... I... it's two am."

"Yeah we should probably get to sleep" Ben said.


"Ok anyone who wants to go to bed follow me."

They all followed Ben back to Bev's room.

"Wait did everyone leave."

"Not everyone" Eddie said pointing at Bill and Stan.

"O..oh I'm not s..... staying I...just have to lift s...stan."

Bill lifted Stan into his arms and brought him to Bev's room.

"Couldn't you just wake him up."

"B...b....b...but it's not as r....r.romantic."

Bill and Stan left the living room.

" So I guess it's just you and me Eddie bear."

"Stop being weird."

Richie grabbed Eddie and pulled him up to the coach beside him.

"Do you want to stay up all night" Richie asked with a smirk.

" Sure."

*Twenty minutes later*

Richie and Eddie fell asleep.

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