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"we know" mike replied.

"You know how!" Eddie said nervously.

He was really scared that his friends wouldn't support him or disown him or something.

"Come on Ed's you guys flirt with each other constantly and you are very bad at keeping secrets. "

" Y...yeah yesterday when we left c....c...c...class you said bye Bill got to g.....gay I mean g.....go and then you ran out of the classroom having a panic I attack."

" Ha."
Richie smirked.

" Are you guys mad."

Eddie said biting his nails.

"Yeah were mad were going to disown you and beat you up in the car park later"Stan said sarcastically.

" What really!!!!!!!!!!!

" No of course not."

"Thank you."

"Me....me and Stan have been d.....d.... dating for the l....last two m....m...months" bill said trying to hold Stan's hand.

Stan pulled away.

" What"mike asked surprised.


"Wow your so much better at keeping it hidden then Riche and Eddie."

" Haha."

" Ok I have one question for Stan why are you mad at Bill Bev was the one who kissed him."

" Well Rich I'm mad at Bill because I was afraid that.....................that he would go back to Bev."

" What Stanny that's insane I ch.....choose you ov.....over everyone."

Bill kissed Stan.

Mike Richie and Eddie smiled in awwwww.

"That's just great" Mike said banging his head off the table.

"What's wrong mike" Eddie asked.

"You and Rich are dating Stan and Bill are dating Bev and Ben are dating and me and who are dating oh yeah no one"mike sighed.

" You'll find someone."

" Yeah when."

Everyone one paused and looked at each other.

" Maybe you'll just be one of those creepy old single guys who hang around the mall all day and cat call girls"Richie said jokingly.

" Yay."

" I'm just kidding you'll find someone real soon."

" W....we should s...s..see if Bev's ok."

Stan looked at Bill coldly.

" What you did call her a s.....slut and you know how she f.....f...feels about that."

" Fine."

They walked towards the way she ran off to.

After about five minutes they heard Ben's voice and sobbing coming from the library.

They all walked in even Stan.

Bev got up from the ground and ran over to Stan.

" I'm so so so sorry."

"It's ok."

"Not it's not I'm such a dumb Slut" Bev said giving him.

"Your not Bev I'm sorry for saying that I didn't mean it."

" Awwwww so sweet everyone's happy now"Richie said giving them a hug.

" Get off Rich" Stanley and Bev pushed him off.

" Any chance you guys want to come over to my place for a sleepover tommorow"Bev asked.

" Yes definitely."

Secrets [Reddie]Where stories live. Discover now