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Bill, Stan, Mike, Ben and Bev came to Richie and Eddie's house.
Bill knocked on the door.

"No I won't" a squeaky voice screamed from inside the house.

"Come on Ed's just do it."

"You do it."

"What do you want me to get beat up."

"Right now, yeah kinda."

" Ok fine."

Bill knocked on the door again.
" G..guys are you o..ok."

"Yeah yeah were fine just hold on a second" Eddie yelled.

After about five minutes Eddie answered the door.

" Sorry I took so long."

" Its o...ok."
"I like your c...c... costume."

"Thanks I'm woodie from toy story"Eddie said tilting his hat.

" Does that make Richie buzz light-year" Ben asked.

"Well actually....."
Before Eddie could finish Richie came outside.

He was wearing a pastel blue and bright pink dress with a white frilly bonnet. He carried a long cane with a pink bow rapped around it.
Richie was dressed as bow peep.

As he stepped outside everyone began to laugh.

"Where's your sheep" yelled Stan.

"Your dress is sooooo pretty were did you get it"Bev laughed.

" You look so stupid"Mike exclaimed.

"Aw why thank you" Richie said spinning around.
"I think the dress is quite flattering actually."

"Yeah it really b.. brings o..out your figure."

" Really!

"No you I.. idiot."

"Come on can we go already" Eddie complained.

"Ok darling let's go."

They all set off pillow cases in arms.
Most of the doors they knocked on told them they were to old to trick so they didn't get as much candy as they expected but it was ok.

There was one house that no one ever went to.

It was on the side of maple street and it was extremely big.

It was painted black and was covered in cob webs. The wood was chipped and to be honest there was no point in decorating it for Halloween it was scary enough as it is.

An old woman named Mrs Gladice lived there my herself. Mr Gladice used to live there but he suddenly passed away about two years ago. Rumours went around saying that Mrs Gladice killed her husband.

But the losers knew that was all just rumours and none of them were actually believed them.

Except Eddie.
He has always been scared of the sweet old lady. He can't explain why but he always has and claims he always will.

Mike knocked loudly on the door.

Mr Gladice opened it.

"Oh hello dears."

"Hey Mrs Gladice" they all said.

"Hey" Eddie mumbled hiding behind Richie.

" What are you all."
"Ben,Bev and mike I'm assuming your s'mores."

They all noded.

" Stan, Bill you must be batman and robin."

" Yep"Stan said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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